Thursday, January 28, 2016

1993 Mail Away Snow Serpent - Around the Web

Most of these figures can be traced to the close out of the Hasbro Direct warehouse in NorthEast Ohio in the mid 1990's.  It's a great figure that used to be cheap, but has gotten more expensive in recent years.  Here's some of the best of the web about the figure:

1993 Mail Away Snow Serpent Profile

1993 Snow Serpent at

1993 Snow Serpent by yotothejoe

1993 Snow Serpent at

1993 Snow Serpent at JoeWiki

Arctic Commandos at

1993 Figures at JoeGallery

1993 Snow Serpent V2, Arctic Commandos, Mail Away, MIB, Bagged, 1991 Snow Serpent, 1998 Snow Serpent, TRU Exclusive, 1987 Maggot, Worms, Wolf, Ice Viper

1993 Snow Serpent V2, Arctic Commandos, Mail Away, MIB, Bagged


  1. I personally would give this figure the green version of his rifle that came with the Rock Trooper Guile.

    1. Interesting. I'll have to find my rifle and try that out.
