
Monday, June 10, 2024

Rarities - Flash (Estrela Version from Brazil)

Today marks the beginning of a few days of Flash.  Flash was released around the world.  So, I'm going to showcase each of his releases.  First up is the Estrela release from Brazil.  You'll note that this Flash is a much darker green color.  The greens used on the early Brazilian figures are much richer and more vibrant than those used by Hasbro.  And, the set of early Brazilian figures has much more visual distinction between the characters than Hasbro's original 13 figures.  I would have loved for this color to appear among the factory customs...especially when the Flash mold was available.

Estrela, Flash, Comandos Em Acao, Brazil


  1. I don't understand why the various bootleg vendors didn't re-sculpt Flash's arms so it had the raised padding on his upper arms WITH the swivel arm battle grip. Could you imagine how cool the Cobra de Aco would have looked with those kind of arms?

  2. A few days of Flash...meh

    1. Good content is getting harder and harder to find. :)

  3. The early Estrela figure most likely to have it’s thumbs, too!
