
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Zeroes - Mark VIII

So, I completely forgot about the zeroes in 2023.  Not that it really matters.  But, the Zeroes posts used to do fairly good numbers.  The purpose of this is to showcase the poorest performing posts of the last year.  As always, some make sense as the items are obscure or not interesting.  But, in other cases, the subject seemed like it would do OK.  But, for some reason, it didn't.

Action Force Stalker - Around The Web

This is one of those cases where a figure that should be popular just didn't do numbers.  I suspect that Snake Eyes repaints have gotten blase.  

Action Force Stalker, Palitoy, European Exclusive, snake Eyes

1992 Dice - Random Photos

Dice is a cool figure.  His ninja action limits him, though.  Regardless, no one really cared about some random photos of this figure.

1992 Ninja Force Dice, Slice, Night Creeper, 1993

1994 Viper (Made in Indonesia) 

This was a disappointment.  The 1994 Viper is a figure I really enjoy.  And, these days, he is relatively popular.  At least, so I thought.  But, his profile did dismal numbers and was quickly brushed to the ash-heap of this site's archives.

1994 Cobra Viper

2001 Destro

No real surprise here.  The 1992 Destro isn't that popular a figure.  And, this 2001 repaint is barely different.  So, no one really cared about it.

2001 Destro, ARAHC, 1987 Jinx

1994 Beach Head 

Another one that makes sense.  The 1993 Beach Head is generally criticized, roundly.  And, adding a splash of neon yellow to his paint job doesn't make him any more popular, even if the figure is probably a little better.

1994 Beach Head

1985 Bazooka - Around The Web

Around the Web features don't tend to do great numbers.  But, this Bazooka was greeted with absolute silence.  It's an obscure figure that is more joke fodder than anything.  

1993 Bazooka

Black Major Tank Commander

Usually, factory custom figures perform very well.  But, this Tank Commander didn't get a lot of interest.  Upon its release, this figure was pretty ignored.  And, it was cheap for many years.  So, that translated to a flaming dud.

2016 Black Major Tank Commander, Cobra Trooper, Factory Custom

So, that wraps up a year's worth of duds.  Speaking of which, Rarities Month this year wasn't spectacular.  But, it had some volume.  I'm at a point where it's getting harder to find oddities and rare items that aren't part of the secret cabal.  I have some items for next year.  And, I have 11 months to find some more.  

Until then, keep coming by for more items.  I'll have more profiles as the year winds down.  I just haven't had much motivation this year.  I haven't acquired any Joes in almost 6 months.  And, I don't really feel compelled to change that: despite some really nice factory customs coming out.  I need to pull the trigger on a Baroness or two and also gear up for some of the Low-Light/Beach Head/Shockwave colorways.  Until then, though, I'll have a smattering of content.  I've found that going back and re-examining some of the figures from the earliest days of the site has lead to some inspiration.  So, I might be doing more of that as 2024 winds down.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.


  1. Would love to see you revisit the 2004 to 2006 era of figures.

  2. I think your linking to the wrong Bazooka page. Not sure.

    I saw some Adventure Man sets on Ebay or was it Etsy? They want waaay too much for. Might be "rarities", if your interest stretches past GI JOE into 3 3/4" figures that just bootlegged Joe body parts and weapons.

    LadyJayeToys had blind bags of 3 Baroness for $24 at the moment. I mean, if I had money to spend, I might even try that. But my funds are limited. The last GI JOE things I bought were 2 Classified figures last November at Ollies. I just can't get into 6 inch scale, not even on discount.

  3. I've done my best to comment on most of your write-ups this year. I certainly understand the lack of motivation. As of late I have not been paying too much attention to my collection either. I think the neglect of the o-ring line by Hasbro has alot to do with it. I do hope that the Super 7 o-rings give me some more excitement and motivation about the hobby. I can only review every year of GI Joe vehicles/figures so much to see what else I want for my collection.

    The amount of knowledge, the in-depth and high quality reviews and ruminations you have and put into this site never ceases to amaze me though. Keep up the good work as long as you can! I certainly am hoping that Super 7 provides a collective jolt to the GI Joe 3 3/4" o-ring community.

    1. Seconded. My favorite parts of each review are the anecdotes of memories shopping for and playing with the figures. I wish my own memory was as good.

      Mike have you ever posted a collection tour? You’ve often mentioned drawers sorted by year, Id love to see the setup.

    2. Yeah, I should probably comment more here to make sure my interest is adequately logged. Pretty much every time I read a post, I'm amazed at how many details about the history of these figures I just have no clue about. I really like Joe toys, but this blog is definitely a glimpse into a whole other level of interest and commitment. As long as it keeps appearing, I'll keep reading!
