
Friday, August 16, 2024

1984 Recondo - Random Photos of the Day

 Recondo is a classic Joe from one of the top years of the line.  He's a figure that wasn't my favorite when I was a kid.  I always wanted him to be something more than he was.  As a collector, though, I've really come to appreciate Recondo and I use him far more frequently now than I would have thought.  He's a great subject for photos and works in a variety of environments and with many different figures.  Below are a few photos  I've taken of him in the past couple of years.

1984 Recondo, 1983 Scarlett

1984 Recondo, 1985 Armadillo, Footloose, 1983 Steeler, 2001 Double Blast, Roadblock

1984 Recondo, 1985 Armadillo, Footloose

1984 Recondo, 1988 Tiger Force Duke


  1. I use him like an Indiana Jones type

  2. I like this figure. In modern times I tend to see him as more of a non-Joe civilian hunter, and the mustache just screams B-movie villain, but in a good way.

  3. Recondo is perfection. The hat, the 'stache, the gun, the camo, the molded on knife. Absolutely flawless. I knew it as a kid, and my opinion hasn't changed in 40ish years. But I could be biased due to his file name.

  4. Recondo get's overlooked. He's honestly one of the best figures from the line. The figure design is a 10/10 and his slouch hat is just icing on the cake. Looks like a perfect jungle fighter. One of the coolest names of any Joe too!

  5. I tend not to like the swivel neck Joes, but this guy is among the best -- if not the best -- of them. (Ripcord is also dope.)
