Tuesday, September 12, 2023

2001 Funskool Red Dog - Random Photos of the Day

It's been over 20 years since Funskool released their version of the Red Dog figure.  In that time, the figure has fallen out of the collecting conscious.  Few people still have the figure.  And, those who do rarely use him.  In photos of the Renegades, it's always the American Red Dog that's featured.  The Funskool figure just isn't used very often.  Despite my lamentation of this fact, though, I don't even use the figure all that often.  

I always hope to see the figure more often.  And, often comment that I'd love to see this figure get used more often.  But, he's just not part enough of collections, though, to really appear that much.  This is too bad as Funskool did a great job creating a figure that's totally different from the Hasbro figure.

Sadly, Funskool Red Dogs are no longer the $4 purchase that they were for many years.  You'll find very few of them for sale.  And, those that you do find are almost always overpriced.  So, that's a big hindrance to this figure ever become a staple of various photos you'll see of the character.  

Sgto. Slaughter, Plastirama, Argentina, Funskool Red Dog, Brazilian Mercer, Estrela, Comandos Em Acao, Tocha, Blowtorch, 1984, 2022 Duke, Pulse

2001 Funskool Red Dog, Sgt. Slaughter's Renegades, India

2001 Funskool Zartan, Red Dog, Slaughter's Renegades, 1986 Dreadnok Swampfire


  1. Well, the original wasn't that great a figure. No way I'm paying the 60-100 bucks they're asking for.

  2. Gotta admit, the bright red shirt and silver highlights look pretty nice. Sadly I did not appreciate the minor color differences back in 2001.

  3. Love your postings but give a bit more effort please, feels like you’re going through motions here. I hold nostalgic feelings for how cheap these were too. Collectors derided funskool, and I see why now, the people who collected the cheap foreign stuff became greedy profiteers justifying marking up moderately desirable figures they paid a song for previously. I found some Korean gijoe stuff produced you never talk about, maybe try researching that direction.

    1. I don't think you can criticize or assign research tasks to bloggers. This blog publishes multiple times a week which requires tremendous effort. And I'm grateful for it.
