Friday, September 27, 2024

1997 Lady Jaye - Random Photos of the Day

The 1997 Lady Jaye is a weird combo.  She features a great paint job that is a drastic departure from prior Lady Jaye figures.  But, she also features poor quality and weird plastic.  So, as an overall release, she's kind of relegated to second tier status.  Even during her release window, collectors didn't really warm to her since the quality was poor.  So, this has become the lost version of Lady Jaye.  It's not a figure you see very often.  And, the best I can tell, she has never had even an homage to this color in subsequent variations of the Joe line.  

If you have one, she can be a fun figure since she brings such a different appearance to Lady Jaye.  But, her skin looks like she's made of soap (thanks A-Man!).  And, her face paint looks like it was applied by Plastirama.  So, the figure looks more like a bootleg than a real release.  So, that leaves an obscure and unloved figure.

After ignoring her for many years, though, I now use this Lady Jaye more than I would have thought.  The 1985 version has never really appealed to me.  The Funskool version is fun to see.  But, she also has quality concerns.  And, that's the extent of my Lady Jaye collection.  So, it really leaves this 1997 figure as my default.  But, she looks good with a variety of Flint figures.  And, she does bring something unexpected to the Lady Jaye character.

1997 Lady Jaye, Toys R Us Exclusive, 1985 Flint

1997 Lady Jaye, Toys R Us Exclusive, 1988 Mean Dog, Black Major Starduster

1997 Lady Jaye, Toys R Us Exclusive

1997 Lady Jaye, Toys R Us Exclusive, 2004 Night Force Flint, Unproduced, White Pants Variant, Midnight Chinese

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