Saturday, September 14, 2024

1986 Roadblock Around The Web

I'm not a fan of the 1986 Roadblock.  I've been disappointed in it since I was a kid back in 1986.  He was a figure I anticipated upon seeing him on the cardback.  But, once I saw him in person, I lost all interest in the figure.  But, I'm very much an outlier in those sentiments.  Many people love this look for the point where it's the default version of the character for some collectors.  This has lead to a nice bit of content on the figure that's out there.  So, check the links below to see some cool 1986 Roadblock stuff.

1986 Roadblock Profile

1986 Roadblock by Nekoman

1986 Roadblock at the Attica Gazette

1986 Roadblock by elevatmetoahigherhumanform

1986 Roadblock by slipstream80

1986 Roadblock by darkstarvintage

1986 Roadblock at

1986 Roadblock by tituslester32

1986 Roadblock by evilface

1986 Roadblock by joerizzo2025

1986 Roadblock by viper wilson

1986 Roadblock by HCC788

1986 Roadblock by offc0ur5e

1986 Roadblock by toker_collection

1986 Roadblock, 1992 Gung Ho

1986 Roadblock, 2017 Alley Viper, Black Major

1986 Roadblock, 1992 Gung Ho, Iceberg


  1. The only actually good version of Roadblock is Tiger Force

    Prove me wrong!

  2. I've never been impressed with the paint details w 86 Roady. They look globby and gummy. Not sure how/why this occurred. I can't remember if this bothered me as a kid, but I can't overlook it now.

  3. Crazy that Roadblock got an update after only two years, and it's a total downgrade from the original. Even the '92 Roadblock is better than this one.

  4. My appreciation for this Roadblock is steeped much more in nostalgia than anything else. Roadblock v1/TF Roadblock were much cooler in terms of design and accessories but I just really like this version and can find no faults with it.

  5. The best Roadblock is the repaint of the ‘92 mold that came out during the 2000s.

    Ironically this one looks like it could have come out during Battle Corps if it were a bit bulkier. I don’t hate it, just find it a bit boring.
