
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

1990 Sky Patrol Altitude - Around the Web

Sky Patrol is one of those subsets that I should really like.  But, for some reason, I'm rather indifferent to it.  Sure, the figures are really nicely done...even if they are majoritively repaints.  I really like the idea of Sky Patrol and I've tried to implement them into my collection.  But, to this day, I only have two of them in my collection.  The upside is that I'm able to enjoy each figure on it's own merits rather than taking the subset as a whole.  This has lead to Altitude remaining a figure I get out for photos more often than other, similar rarity figures.  

It seems others take the same approach as Altitude has some pretty decent content on him out there.  Some of this stuff is really old and worth taking another look at.  (Though, sadly, some of the links may have expired between the time I first cataloged them and now...especially at  But, scroll through all the creators and enjoy their looks at the 1990 Altitude.

1990 Sky Patrol Altitude Profile

1990 Altitude by corpscommandercody

1990 Altitude by Hit and Run

1990 Altitude by Outrider

1990 Altitude by silencer

1990 Altitude by jogunwarrior

1990 Altitude by thedustinmccoy

1990 Altitude by slipstream80

1990 Altitude by gi_joeisthere

1990 Altitude by thedustinmccoy

1990 Altitude by ptytoys2021

1990 Altitude by thedustinmccoy

1990 Bullhorn, Altitude, Sky Patrol, Airwave, Retaliator, 1991, 2001 Destro, 1987 Jinx

1990 Bullhorn, Altitude, Sky Patrol, Airwave, Retaliator, 1991

1990 Bullhorn, Altitude, Sky Patrol, Airwave, Retaliator, 1991

1990 Bullhorn, Altitude, Sky Patrol


  1. I pride myself on having a complete collection of 1982-1994 figures, but even that being the case, in all these years I have never been able to remember which Sky Patrol figure is which. I just can't tell Altitude from Airwave, Airborne, Static Line, Skydive, or whatever without looking them up on YoJoe. Nor can I remember who gets what accessories. Something about this sub-line causes me a complete mental block.

  2. Great photos!

    The Sky Patrol subteam is one I actually completed and really like. Hasbro did a good job with the color modifications and new head sculpts for the figures. Altitude works as either a pilot or airborne trooper however I don't use his original gun as it's not one of my favorites. I remember seeing them in stores in 1990 when my dad took me to pick out some GI Joes for my birthday but I opted for Night Creeper, Sub Zero, Capt Grid Iron and Pathfinder. I also traded for a Sky Patrol Sky Hawk when I was 10 or so, those are the two memories I can remember from my childhood about the Sky Patrol.

    Just out of curiosity do you still have the Retaliator, Locust and Stun? If so, would you ever consider doing vehicle write-ups?
