Saturday, July 22, 2023

1987 Ice Viper - Around the Web 2

It's hot outside and we've had lots of storms.  I've lost 2 trees that were more than 75 years old and another that was about 30 years old in a windstorm.  So, I'll post up some pics I took back when there was snow on the ground.

The Ice Viper is one of those figures that's a nice match for his specialty.  He's just interesting enough to hide inside the cockpit of one of the best winter vehicles in the line.  Here's some nice content on the Ice Viper from around the web.

1987 Ice Viper Profile

1987 Ice Viper Around the Web 2016

Arctic Cobras Diorama

1987 Ice Viper by gijoeggernaut

1987 Ice Viper by 00zxcvb

1987 Ice Viper by dreadnokdread

1987 Ice Viper by sithviper

1987 Ice Viper by steelbrigade

1987 Ice Viper by scarrviper

1987 Ice Viper, 2020 Black Major Worms

1987 Ice Viper, 2020 Black Major Worms

1987 Ice Viper, 2020 Black Major Worms


  1. This figure remains easy to find with helmet, and affordable. Through little effort, I've built a squad of them. What a killer mold and great coloring to boot. I have no use for his tsais, so I've skipped the time and cost of gunting them down. It's much cheaper to outfit him with a white AK-47 from an accessory pack. The backpack hole doesn't easily accept the snow serpent backpack peg (maybe a function of time) so my Ice Viper squad is gearless...aside from the WOLF, of course.

  2. Sais and a red mask? As a ninja-obsessed kid, who loved snow vehicles and wolves, the Cobra Wolf with Ice-Viper was a must own. I ended up getting it for my birthday from K-Mart. I rejected any argument that these were just snow vehicle drivers with ice picks. They were secret ninjas.

    I cringe to think of the thousands of little sais that were lost in various back yards across the USA. Those clips on the legs didn't have the best clutch if I remember right.
