The 1989 Stalker might be the best 2nd version of any character in the Joe line. He's just about a perfect figure. His sculpting is great, his colors make sense. And, his gear is nothing short of spectacular.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
1984 Copperhead
When I look back at my Joe collecting adventure of the late 1990's, I rarely find a figure that was really important to me back then that I don't also still use fairly frequently, today. Sure, some of them aren't nearly as important as they were back then. But, I usually still use them with enough frequency that they appear in a variety of settings. One figure, though, that has fallen through the cracks is the 1984 Copperhead figure. I have no idea why. Really, Copperhead is the most brightly colored Cobra released before 1986. So, I should love him and use him all the time. But, the character rarely appears in my photos.
Part of this is that I only one of them left. The other, though, was that, aside from his Water Moccasin, there wasn't much in the line that really blended with Copperhead's look. Copperhead's origins in the swamp, though, lead to him often being tied to Zartan. The Swamp Skier matched Copperhead's colors. So, Zartan and Copperhead being besties seemed logical enough. The next best option was the 1986 Swampfire or the hard to find Sears Dreadnok Ground Assault vehicles. And, through these, many collectors reinforced the association between Copperhead and the Dreadnoks. And, to this day, you'll often see Copperhead among Zartan's minions. In fact, Copperhead has found a bit of a second life as a Dreadnok or Dreadnok adjacent character in many collections.
I, though, was never a huge Dreadnok fan. Instead, I made Copperhead more of a swamp based bounty hunter. He worked for Cobra. But, was far more dangerous than a run of the mill swamp scavenger. He carried a lot of gear that made him intimidating. And, he saved a cabal of Cobras from capture on more than one occasion when he was able to devise some genius way out of a hopeless situation. But, that was the extent of Copperhead's value. He wasn't into political intrigue. And, he didn't really get involved in the Cobra politics and allegiances of the day. He was a guy hired to do a job. He did it well. And, he then disappeared back into the swamp while he awaited his next pay day.
When I was a kid, I took advantage of Copperhead's lack of accessories and outfitted him with some junk weapons that I had lying around. Instead of Joe weapons, though, I found an odd combination of accessories from other toy lines. The first was one of the weird backpacks from the A-Team figures. There was one pack that was perfect for Copperhead. All the packs were cast in red plastic with black, hard plastic straps that went over the figure's shoulders and around his waist. It was a unique design. But, I found one mold that fit Copperhead, nicely. It had three missiles, bullets and 5 grenades sculpted on it. I thought the gear fit with Copperhead. Along with that, I had an old holster from the Endor Princess Leia figure. The latch end of the belt, though, had broken off. I was able, though, to affix it behind the straps of the backpack so that it appeared as a chest holster for Copperhead. I had the Leia's Endor pistol, too. And, it looked great with Copperhead. This allowed the chest holster to actually work and brought a huge sense of depth to the figure. So, my Copperhead found quite a bit of use with these accessories that made him more combat ready.
My childhood Water Moccasin was a piece of junk. It was rare to get a poor quality controlled G.I. Joe toy. But, my Moccasin was one. The pieces didn't fit in several places. And, it broke very quickly. As such, it didn't get much use. So, Copperhead's role of the driver wasn't all that important. That allowed me to explore the figure on his own and never tied Copperhead to his role as a driver. Since he never appeared in the comic, Copperhead was an easy character to create on my own. I had no pre-conceived notions about the character that I had to reconcile with the gear and role I had given him.
And, this is the main reason Copperhead has disappeared from my collection. He didn't have much in the way of characterization. (I'm still unclear as to if he even appeared in the Marvel comic run.) Without depictions, Copperhead just wasn't going to stick around. So, he fell off my radar. And, in the past two decades has really become an afterthought. Even as I enjoyed the "Dreadnok" colored Eels and Cobra Troopers, it never really occurred to me to match them up with Copperhead. I didn't see him as a leader. Maybe that will change now that I have some figures to match up with him.
Copperhead was, originally, only available as the Water Moccasin driver. But, he then found a second life as a staple of the mail away Joe premiums that were offered by Hasbro direct. Here, bagged figures were offered for many years. In fact, you could still get bagged Copperheads from Hasbro Canada through 1999. So, the figure is far more ubiquitous than you'd otherwise think. And, due to the late date of his mail away offers, it's not uncommon to find a nice Copperhead among lots of otherwise, all 1990's era figures.
There are a lot of Copperhead figures. There are three variants of the original figure. Below is the green and blue version. It is the best version. But, also the most common. There are two other variants where the bright green on the helmet is just the same color as the rest of his helmet. There are two shades of color on this variant. These were earlier versions that were fixed to look better. The mold was then used for the Python Patrol series in 1989 before going off to Brazil where the Python Patrol Copperhead was released again, but with extremely slight color variants from the Brazilian paint and plastic. The figure never appeared again. There was probably at least one nice repaint left in the mold as we did see a grey Python Patrol design as well as a red dominant figure that were released in later iterations of Joe figures.
Copperheads are not expensive. At least, the green striped helmet versions aren't expensive. Even with some notoriously common paint rubs, mint figures are still fairly ubiquitous. The mail aways really solved the supply side of the issue with this figure. You can get nicely conditioned figures for well under $20. Most of them will even include a filecard. There aren't many 1984 releases who go that cheaply. And, best of all, Copperhead is worth it for that price. He's a neat figure who now has lots of companion pieces to help make him useful.
Friday, February 7, 2025
1983 Hawk - Around The Web
Friday, January 31, 2025
2005 Winter Operations Frostbite
When you see this figure, you'll instantly recognize the mold as that belonging to the 1983 Snow Job. Despite this easy connection, though, Hasbro actually released this mold as many times with a different character name as they did under the name of Snow Job. Between 1998 and 2010, Hasbro never used the mold for the titular character who is forever associated with the beard, hood and goggles. Instead, it was used first for a new character and then twice renamed and released as Frostbite. Were it not for the ill-conceived "Then and Now" Snow Job who bombed at retail in 2011 or so, this mold would have been used the same amount of times for Snow Job and Frostbite. And, that seems like something that shouldn't have happened. Snow Job is iconic. And, even while writing this, I actually wrote Snow Job in reference to this figure instead of Frostbite on multiple occasions. So, really, I just take this release as another color scheme for Snow Job. And, in that vein, this figure works way better than it should.
Blue is a tough color to make work on a Joe. Blue is Cobra's color. And, an especially dark blue color as an accent is even more closely associated with Cobra. So, having the blue coat on this figure doesn't make much sense. For a time, I had designs of getting a few extra Comic Pack Trooper or Officer heads and trying them out on this body for a Cobra snow trooper. But, I never really got around to trying it. The hues of blue are off just enough that it would be a tough match. And, my fascination with a Cobra head on every 1982-1984 Joe body has been played out now that there are 100's of Cobra Troopers to choose from.
I'm not sure why they just painted the inside of the figure's arms blue. It's a weird design choice. But, the hint of color does help break up the figure. The one thing that is really nice, though, is that Frostbite's coat is painted onto his waist. So, you can see the full sculpting of the coat and how it extends below his belt. The black gloves and details, along with the rich blue, make this a more serious looking figure. The brown beard takes a bit away from the Snow Job visage. But, I can see his hair turning darker as the character aged. Sadly, vintage Joe plastic is a different finish that than of the 2000's. So, that makes a vintage Snow Job head a difficult replacement on this Frostbite body. The sheens just don't match up.
Beyond the blue, the figure features a difficult to see but amazing detailed cream colored splatter pattern on the legs. The color difference is subtle. (I'm not sure if the plastic is white with the brownish strewn cream color as paint, or vice versa.) It's difficult to see. But, it's there. And, it probably cost a great deal of the entire set's production budget. You'd have thought it would be on something easier to spot on the figures. It's not until you really examine the figure that you notice how intricate the paint masks really are. They are easily on par with the Vypra figures from a few months prior. With the pattern and other, detailed paint applications, this Frostbite is more akin to a convention figure than a TRU release. Collectors don't really notice, though, because winter figures aren't overly popular and this set was out of the collective mind before it even had a chance to collect dust at retail.
Frostbite's gear is both OK and also underwhelming. By 2005, Hasbro had given up on the notion of matching accessory complements to a figure mold. And, they had really given up trying to give any of the Toys R Us 6 pack figures any memorable gear at all. Despite Snow Job's ski pack, skis and ski poles being ubiquitous during the 2001/2002 release years, they were not included with this set. Instead, the set came with a series of 1988 Blizzard snow shoes and skis. They aren't bad. But, they aren't as fun as the 1983 skis, either. In addition, the figure included a 1992 Gung Ho backpack, a sniper rifle from the JvC era and the Comic Pack inspired M-16 rifle. The sniper and Gung Ho's pack with the molded rope always reminded me of Snow Job climbing the Alps in the opening panels of G.I. Joe #23. With this gear, he'd have made a good Comic Pack figure. As a whole, the gear isn't bad and makes for a decent looking figure. But, it's tough to see the Snow Job mold without his iconic XMLR and ski gear.
Despite the character choice, the enemy specific colors and the bland gear, though, this figure does work. It looks really nice. It's not discoloring...yet. The more pliable plastic is preferable for any winter accoutrements you wish to pair with the figure. And, the figure looks close enough to Snow Job that you can easily just make it Snow Job in whatever mechanism you have for the figure. This is one of those releases in the repaint era that holds up pretty well: even though it was completely forgotten during its release window. It's not not a figure you remember like the clear Mirage or the excellent Snake Eyes. But, you don't hate is like you do the Backblast figure. He's just another repaint that was blasted out to retail during a time when Hasbro was dumping everything they could before pivoting to the DTC model.
That, though, lead me to rediscover this figure nearly 20 years after his initial release. I had no need for another release of Snow Job mold back in 2005. But, now, he's much more palatable. 1983 Snow Jobs discolor very easily. The 1997 repaint and Whiteout are both pretty close to the 1983 colors, too. The 2003 Frostbite is a nice match for the 1994 Windchill. But, he had no gear. So, that leaves this figure as an alternative to the more traditional Snow Job role. This, certainly, isn't a figure that I'd go out of my way to include in a photograph. But, 2 weeks of snow this year has given me an opportunity to better explore my winter themed Joes and has rejuvenated a bit of interest in the hobby that I've lost in the past couple of years.
Winter Operations figures aren't all that common to find. By 2005, Hasbro had reduced the production run on the G.I. Joe themed sets to around 16,000 total sets. That's down from the 20,000 that were typical for Cobra sets. On top of that, collectors were leaving the hobby in droves by the time this set was released. Couple that with the general malaise towards the overall set, and few collectors even bothered to buy it. Those who did almost never bought multiples. So, the set didn't find an afterlife from disillusioned 2000's era collectors liquidating their duplicates in the early 2010's. You'll see dealer pricing on this figure in the $20-$25 range...which is entirely too high. At best, he's half that on the open market. But, there is simply no supply right now. So, your options to acquire the figure are limited. But, really, if you have the 1983 Snow Job, the 1997 Snow Job, the 2001 Whiteout or the 2011 Snow Job, you have much more useful figures to represent any character you choose. So, those are the better route to seek should you want a cheap representation of this mold in your collection.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
I have dogs. I've had dogs for 25 years. In that time, they've done relatively little damage to my collection. Shortly after we moved into our first house back in 2000, our first dog came walking out of my Joe room with a Tomahawk chopper blade in his mouth. I took it from him with no damage and he never went after another of my toys again. That crop of dogs lasted from 2000 through 2018. They left my stuff alone.
In 2020, we broke down and got another dog. She is a rescue who was found wandering a reservation in New Mexico. She's a great dog who is nothing but sweet and loving. Her one flaw is that she does like to chew on plastic. However, she's been pretty choosy in what she goes after. Our boys have left toys on the floor for her whole life. But, eventually, something got her attention and she did start to chew on certain items.
Every now and then, she'd pick up a spare Lego. Mostly, she'd play with it in her mouth. But, then, she chewed up a couple of Clone Troopers. Those were tough to lose as the boys loved them. She got in trouble for it and we gave her more of her own chew toys. But, every now and then, the temptation was too great and we'd find another Clone or a Batman figure chewed up in the living room. (She really liked Clones for some reason.) We used as an occasion to teach the kids to pick up their stuff.
As a collector, I'm a spreader. Rather than keep things nice and neat, I'll often spread things out on tables, desks, chairs and floors. I do this to quickly sort things. But, it's also a way for me to find something I'm looking for. I have tons of unsorted baggies and shoeboxes of various parts and pieces from the Joe line. So, it's not uncommon for me to have several areas covered in toys. When I get busy, these things might sit out for months. They're in the basement, out of sight and out of mind. The dog goes down there. But, she's never touched anything of mine.
Yesterday, though, I had a bit of time and really wanted to replace a couple of worn out shoeboxes that held some parts. So, I brought two old boxes of stuff up to my office to work on moving to a new box during the day. One of the boxes contained all of my unused weapon trees from figures I opened back in the '90's and early 2000's. I love weapon trees. I think they're really fun. And, I kept a lot of them still on the sprues as I liked the look and wanted to have them around should I ever need them. These were in a box in the basement that wasn't covered. The lid of the box had gotten broken in one move or another. So, I wanted to get them into a new shoebox with an attached lid.
I brought them up, moved them over and sorted the other baggies in the box. (They were filled with various Battle Gear weapons.) I arranged the trees by color. In the old box, I had the black weapons on bottom, then grey, silver, purple, yellow and red. In the new box, for just some variety, I switched and put them in reverse order with the black weapons on top. I got the box all packed up. But, I remembered that I had a couple of other baggies of Battle Gear weapons in the closet. Before I closed the box lid, I wanted to go get those weapons. I wasn't in a hurry. As the afternoon wore on, it was time to get the kids from various practices and meets. It's a multi-hour process. So, I left.
When I came home, the house was dark. As I turned on a couple of lights in the kitchen, I could see something on the floor on the living room carpet. Immediately, my heart sunk. These could only be some of my toys. I turned on more lights. And, sure enough, my dog had decided to go into my office, remove some of the weapon trees from the open shoe box and chew them into oblivion!
Because of the series of innocuous decisions of the day, she grabbed all my favorite black weapon trees along with the grey and silver. The black trees are more nostalgic to me. I've had them for 30 years, now. They are common and replaceable. The grey tree, though, was from the 1994 Payload figure. Not an easy one to track down. At least I have a spare set of loose weapons for the figure. The silver tree, though, was one I hadn't placed when I looked at it earlier in the day. It had a silver MP-5. This mold is one of my favorite weapons. And, I didn't recognize it in silver.
It was only after I posted about it that General Liederkranz gave me the horrifying news that the silver tree is from the 1994 Ozone figure. Ozone might be the single rarest Joe released on a card. He's gotten stupidly expensive. And, I only have a loose one because I was able to pick up a spare carded version for a couple of bucks back in the late 1990's. I never took his weapons off the tree because the tree was rare and I liked the look of the silver. And, now, it's gone.
Here is the aftermath:
Fortunately, she seemed to focus her chewing on the more substantive stands. So, while those were largely destroyed, a few weapons did make it out intact. Most notably, the silver MP-5 managed to survive with little to no damage. So, small blessings. Here's what was somewhat salvageable:
I was fortunate. Right next to the box with these weapon trees was a drawer full of 2023 Black Major figures. She could have eaten those instead. I think there's something about the softer plastic that she really likes. That's why she eats Clones but really leaves the much more common Legos alone.
So, a tough day for my Joe collection. A tough day for me to learn some lessons, too. It certainly could have been worse. There were pieces of sprue all over the living room. And, I'm sure she ate a lot of plastic. But, she seems OK over 12 hours later. I gave her extra food to help process the plastic through. And, I'll find brightly colored waste in the yard when I start mowing again in a few weeks. But, I can buy more toys, should I want them. And, the dog is tough. She lived on her own in the desert for quite a while. So, we'll be OK. It was just a surprise to walk into last night!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes - Around the Web
Hasbro probably made way too many homages to the 1983 Snake Eyes figure. None of them really make fundamental changes to the way you can view the Snake Eyes character or figure. But, each of them is slightly different and can bring a bit of depth to any photo that otherwise features the classic version of Joe's most popular character. This 2005 Comic Pack version, though, did bring about a new head to update Snake Eyes. It's a neat upgrade for Snake Eyes and gives the figure a different look.
There's a nice cross section of looks at this figure from the time of his release, a few years later and then more modern looks. So, take some time to check out the content on the 2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes from the creators below.
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes Profile
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes at Joe Battle Lines
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by corpscommandercody
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by joesandtoys
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by gijoe_for_fun
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes at
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by joesandtoys
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by mrmikevinthepit
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes at Generals Joes Reborn
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by gijoe_for_fun
2005 Comic Pack Snake Eyes by Flatline
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
My Favorite Accessories - Part 1
I look at my collection in distinct stages. The first, of course, is my childhood. This covered 1982 through 1987. The second phase is the pre-internet days of adult collecting. For me, this was 1992 through 1997, give or take. And, then the final phase is my adult collecting years that have occurred since I found the Stars & Stripes set in December of 1997.
As a kid, it was nearly impossible to get extras of specific weapons. Your only options were to buy another figure or two to get the gear. Or, really hope that a friend of yours happened to hate that particular item and you could trade him something you didn't really care for in exchange for the item you did want. The notion of having several extras lying around was pretty much a pipe dream and impossible for all but the richest kid.
During the mid 1990's, it was also somewhat difficult to just buy accessories. You'd often find guys with grocery bags or shoeboxes full of Joes. And, they'd say something along the lines of "it's too much work to figure out who gets what gear" (there was no back then). But, at the same time, none of them would sell individual gear. They were too afraid that you'd buy the one super rare item and they'd miss out on 4 extra bucks in later years. 1990's scalp culture was weird. The thing those guys would do, though, was sell you the whole bag or box of figures for what, now, seems a really stupidly low price. Sure, there'd be no female figures or Snake Eyes in the lot. But, that was fine because you'd end up paying a dollar or two per figure. So, you could get extra gear, but you'd get the figures to go with it, too.
The early days of internet collecting were nice as guys would pretty much trade any accessory straight up for another that they needed. So, for a few years, you could easily trade a spare Alpine rope gun to get a Shipwreck pistol. But, as the 2000's dawned, things like that mostly disappeared. By then, collectors had realized which gear was the most desirable and hardest to find. And, as the 2000's turned into the 2010's, you had the rise of online dealers who would sell individual accessories and Ebay stores that did the same. Sure, you'd pay a premium for a 1982 Uzi. But, they'd often sell very nice stuff from later years for cheap prices. You could still get the charcoal Recoil rifles from later editions of the Steel Brigade for under $5 up through this time.
Since then, the price of gear has steadily gone up. Certain weapons that were once desired (like Snake Eyes' Uzi) did see demand tempered a bit as repaint era options became readily available. I didn't need to seek out extra 1983 weapons to arm my terrorist contingent because I could easily get 2000's era accessories that worked just as well and were a fraction of the price. But, other gear got stupidly expensive. Things like Flint's shotgun (that, really, were never hard to find) got really pricey as dealers flocked to the market and marked things up in the post 2018 Joe world. Now, I'm glad that I have a lot of extra gear. Because there is no way I'd accumulate my armory at today's prices.
For today, I'm going to focus on my childhood favorites. There is a lot to read here. So, I'm going to break this walk down memory lane into different parts so they are more manageable. Here is part 1:
My Childhood Favorites:
1. Flint's Shotgun
There's just something about this weapon that always spoke to me. It was an original design and unlike anything that had come before it in the line. The notion of a shotgun toting badass hearkened back to the Westerns you'd see on weekend afternoon TV.
On a boy scout trip, some of the adults were shooting skeet. I gathered up a dozen or so spent shells and cut slits in them so that I could affix them to suspenders or a belt like Flint. When we'd play guns in the neighborhood, I'd wear the shells over a vest. It's amazing to think we used to run around the neighborhood, toting very real looking toy guns with real spent ammo on my chest and no one batted an eye. This is probably the one thing that's most changed between my childhood and that of my kids.
As a kid, I lost Flint's shotgun all the time. My original figure's disappeared at some point during his run. In 1986, I replaced my original with a new one so I'd have the rifle, again. That winter, we went to visit my grandparents. We'd play in their basement. The floor was cold, hard concrete. But, they had about a dozen carpet sample sized rugs that we'd arrange as islands or somesuch and structure our adventures around these. We were playing down there one afternoon and my younger brother somehow kicked Flint's shotgun off of one of these carpets. I frantically searched for it for hours. I picked up every carpet, got a flashlight to look under the cabinets and swept the floor with my hands. But, that Flint shotgun was gone.
A while later, my grandmother told me over the phone she had found a green gun in her basement. She put it in her room, thinking it might be important to us. I was sure it was Flint's shotgun. But, when we saw her again, I was disappointed to find it was not. Instead, it was a broken machine gun from one of my dad's old, cheap plastic soldiers. So, the remaining years of my childhood Flint's life were spent with him wielding the weapon from the Night Landing Craft, a Snow Serpent's AK-47 or the Ripcord rifle from the Tactical Battle Platform.
When I started collecting, getting a complete Flint was a priority. As Flint was super popular, though, he'd be in a ton of the lots I was acquiring in the late 1990s. Usually, I'd get his gun, too. Over time, I bought a bunch of loose Flints from online and local sellers. I had up to 8 of them at one point. Even after my collection purge, though, I still have 5 originals plus at least 5 loose and 5 more carded Funskool versions. What I can not do, though, is give Flint's shotgun to another figure. It just doesn't look right. So, while I love Flint's shotgun, it is reserved for Flint and Flint alone.
2. Alpine's SMG
What's interesting is that many of the weapons on my childhood list feature stories about me losing the weapon. The reason for this is that the experience was traumatic since I loved the accessories so much and I often would no longer use a figure once his original gear was lost. For Alpine, the main story is one of loss. But, there are also two stories of redemption.
Alpine was one of the earlier 1985 figures I acquired. I remember that I already owned him by the time I got Snake Eyes in April. And, I have cold weather, early spring memories of playing with him and the Eel on the front steps of my parents' home. Being an early arrival, though, meant that I was less careful with him than I should have been. In short order, I lost his pistol and broke his grappling gun. As the figure was cool, though, I replaced my original Alpine some time in 1986 so I once again had a complete figure.
In the fall of 1986, we were playing with our Joes outside with some kids down the street. We rarely played in their backyard as it was small and didn't have a ton of great places. But, their dad had recently cleared out a small thicket of trees near their back fence that bordered the alley. So, on this day, we set up an adventure there. Among the figures I had was Alpine. At some point, I took his gun out of the figure's hand and set it down on the soft, dry dirt. The gun instantly disappeared. It was gone. I searched for quite a while, moving dirt, etc. to no avail. My Alpine's gun was gone.
About a year later, we were playing soccer in their yard. The ball went back into this thicket. I went to retrieve it. And, as I went to pick up the ball, I saw my Alpine's gun in the dirt! By this time, we had given up toys. But, I did show it to everyone and asked if they remembered when I had lost the gun. I put the pistol into my pocket and added it to my stash of Joes when I got home. Over the years, my youngest brother broke into these stashes and removed key figures. During these thefts, my Alpine was taken and his pistol disappeared again.
In 1997, I was working a job post college and living at my parents' house until I moved to Arizona. During this time, I dug out all my childhood toys and started displaying them on the shelves in my childhood room. One night, as I was heading to bed, I happened to notice something weird about the SnowCat. It seemed there was an asymmetry in the open spaces on the black underbody beneath the lights. Upon inspection, the difference was that my Alpine's gun was wedged into the part! No idea how it got there. But, I had a complete Alpine, once again. It was the same gun from the dirt thicket because the grooves of the weapon were still filled with the fine dust from a decade earlier. With this recovery, my Alpine was again, complete.
Over the years, I've picked up one or two extra Alpine pistols. It looks good with a variety of figures. And, I'll often use it with other 1985 releases as a way to bring some visual diversity to a photo. It's a weapon I still enjoy. I wouldn't mind if I had another four or five of them. But, I'm very happy with the number in my collection, today. Each time I see it, I'm reminded of finding that dusty gun in the back of our friends' yard. It's a great connection to the past.
3. Hawk's Pistol
I view this pistol as Hawk's. It actually debuted with the 1985 Keel Haul, though. But, since I never had a Keel Haul, I had no idea that he came with a gun. So, I view this weapon as Hawk's and Hawk's alone. Originally, this Hawk figure first belonged to my younger brother. And, while I did use him quite a bit, my brother was hard on the figure and lost his pistol. This hurt as I loved the weapon and often used it with other figures. I gave Hawk the M-203 from Leatherneck and made him a younger leader, more akin to the role meant for Duke, instead of the grizzled general. This made the Hawk figure much more useful and kept him a key player in my collection.
Sometime in late 1987, I went to a local toy shop in my neighborhood. It was a small, independent store that was mostly a hobby/model shop who also sold toys. They were expensive. But, it was just a few hundred feet away from the comic book store where I spent many, many hours of my youth. I stopped in one afternoon and found they had marked their Joes down to $2.99 instead of the usual $3.99. I didn't like paying that extra dollar. Their entire stock was 1986 figures...including Hawk. I didn't buy the figure that day. For some reason, I felt I needed parental permission to buy a figure, even though I spent my lawn mowing money with impunity at the comic book store. When I got home, I mentioned something about the figures being on sale to my mother. She made a flippant comment about how it was my money and she didn't care how I spent it. So, on my next trip to the comic book store, I dropped by Ed Shrock's Toy and Hobby and bought myself a new Hawk.
I kept this figure, though, as the younger character from before. And, Hawk, once again, got the M-203. I had 2 of these weapons. (It's next on the list!) So, that freed up Hawk's pistol to be used by other figures or in other situations. Crankcase was the main recipient of the pistol. But, I would also use it in specific scenarios. So, if a Joe got caught without his weapon at the end of a firefight and he had a sculpted pistol on his leg or chest, Hawks' pistol would stand in for the sculpted weapon. The Joe would just use it that once. But, it allowed for me to finally put to practical use some of the sculpted details on my favorite figures.
Today, the weapon remains a favorite. I have a couple. I never felt the Hawk pistol was all that hard to get. But, when I liquidated all my extra Hawks, I sold them complete with the pistol. I think I kept one or two extras that are available. Though, one is always with Crankcase. Hasbro had the mold for the weapon in the 2000's. It was included with the Convention Hardtop. But, it never appeared again. Instead, we got crappy new sculpt pistols in the Comic Packs that the figures couldn't hold and that were just too stubby to be any fun. I only imagine what it would have been like to get a dozen or more extra Hawk pistols in that era. I'd have kept them all.
4. Leatherneck's M-203
Leatherneck's rifle had a lot going for it. It was a bit bigger than the weapons from prior years. But, I liked that about it since it made the weapon appear more deadly. The main calling card, though, was the affixed grenade launcher under the barrel. This gave the weapon more utilization possibilities and made Leatherneck effective against both infantry and Cobra vehicles. I always wanted more of the weapons. In the summer of 1986, though, I lost my original Leatherneck in the bushes in front of grandfather's house. My cousin, who lived next door, never found the figure. And, I went months with no Leatherneck. At some point before the end of the year, I bought another Leatherneck figure. My main reasoning was that when I returned to Buffalo and found my original figure, I'd have a spare gun to give to other figures.
When I went back to my grandfather's in the summer of 1987, though, my Leatherneck was no where to be found. I know the bushes were evergreen. But, the volume of snow they received could have left him shoveled away. So, I wasn't to get that spare rifle. But, fortunately, the end of 1986 and early 1987 gave me another avenue. For Christmas of 1986, I got the Mission to Brazil set. This included a desert themed Leatherneck with the same rifle as the original. Naturally, I kept that accessory with the figure. But, when I really wanted the 1986 Hawk to have the rifle, I'd equip the desert Leatherneck (now a Marine army builder) with the 1984 Battle Gear Zap Bazooka. But, then, in 1987, a new Battle Gear set was released. Frankly, this set sucked like the earlier sets with poor colors and missing gear. But, it did include a brown version of the Leatherneck rifle...a color that perfectly matched the Mission to Brazil figure. So, the army builder was given the Battle Gear accessory and I had a spare M-203 to give to other figures.
As an adult collector, I discovered that the weapon was later released in black, too. But, I also found the weapon had fallen out of favor. I didn't see it as a team standard any longer. I did give a black one to Recoil for a bit. But, once I had a charcoal Steel Brigade rifle, Recoil didn't need the M-203 any longer. And, by the time superfluous weapons were included with repaint era figures in the 2000's, I ended up with a baggie full of extra M-203s that I don't use at all. It's a precipitous fall for one of the top weapons of my childhood. But, Hasbro made too many better weapons in subsequent years.
5. Mutt's Mac 11
Mutt belonged to my younger brother. And, he didn't take care of him. In short order we lost the mask, nightstick and pistol. At one point, I found the Mutt figure in the bottom of an antique wardrobe that was in my brothers' room. Since I had pulled the figure out when it was fairly dark, I always thought that Mutt's pistol must have been lost in the bottom of that piece of furniture. I searched it many times. In fact, I searched it as recently as 2013 when my mother finally moved out of the house and was giving the piece away. No Mutt's pistol. There were a bunch of old Legos, though.
Having lost such a cool gun always made the weapon mythical to me. Add to that the weapon's silencer and it was a perfect accessory for Dreadnoks, Cobra leaders or even just Snake Eyes. In 1985, I finally got a bright green Mutt's pistol in the Battle Gear. And, despite the color, I used this weapon extensively. I'd give it to Zartan. Or, some nameless bad guys would use it to assassinate Hawk. I'd place the weapon in the cockpit of the Whale where either Cutter or Shipwreck could grab it as a backup to shoot boarding Eels. It had a ton of uses.
But, I never got another black version of the gun until I was an adult collector. While I upgraded pretty much my entire 1985 figure collection, I didn't do the same with the 1984's. Mostly, this was due to the fact that the '84's were pretty sparse at the retailers I frequented in 1986 when I was spending to upgrade my figures. But, also, the '84's were somewhat old news by then. I was more interested in getting some of the newer characters back into my collection since they were the staples of the comic and cartoon. So, a complete Mutt didn't rejoin my collection for over a decade.
Now, I have just two Mutts: both with the pistol. But, I also have Mutts from Europe and Brazil. So, I've got several of the pistols. I think I have a spare or two still hanging around. You'll find photos of the pistol being used by Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Headman and others. It's a fun weapon to use as an alternative pistol. I still think the silencer adds a sinister element to the weapon.
So, that's a look at the weapons that drove my childhood. While I liked most Joe weapons of that era, these were the ones that most spoke to me. They were the ones that were the subject of daydreams of bins of gear being available to me. Now that I can do that, I've found that I still flock to many of these weapons and never pass them if they're offered cheaply. (Which doesn't really happen any longer.)
I'll continue this series at some point. It won't be next week. But, probably this year. This was a fun jog into the bowels of my formative Joe years. It's good to dig into that well of memories every now and then as it helps keep some of the feelings fresh. Let me know your childhood favorites in the comments below.
Friday, January 17, 2025
2002 Big Ben - Around the Web
This is the time of year where figures like Big Ben thrive. The cold weather reminds me of his design. And, seeing the figure in his element is always nice. This 2002 version of the figure is one of the nice 2000's era repaints that was ruined by his inclusion with an Alley Viper. Collectors got too many of them and started to hate Big Ben. So, a good figure was simply despised.
More than 20 years later, though, some of the hatred has subsided. Now, you can find the figure showcased every so often. There's plenty of content on him out there. So, stop by and check out some cool 2002 Big Ben photos.
2002 Big Ben at The Attica Gazette
2002 Big Ben by gen_liederkranz
2002 Big Ben by corpscommandercody
2002 Big Ben by thebackyardcommando
2002 Big Ben by themexicangriswolds
2002 Big Ben at Generals Joes Reborn
Thursday, January 16, 2025
1988 Swampmasher
I was done with Joe in 1988. My younger brothers, though, still picked up a few items. Mostly, it was figures. But, they did acquire a few vehicles, too. And, pretty much all of those vehicles felt like upgrades over my prior year purchases of 1987 vehicles. The Desert Fox was everything I wished the VAMP had been. The AGP had size and heft for an aircraft while also being small enough to play with. Then, though, there were some smaller vehicles that shouldn't have been a lot of fun. But, they ended up being really great toys. Among these was the Swampmasher. It's a ridiculous design in offbeat colors that works nearly perfectly as plaything.
The Swampmasher is just a weird design. At its base, the vehicle is relatively normal. But, the wheels are all on three wheeled spinners. The idea is that the vehicle can cover any terrain. But, as a toy, it's just kind of bizarre. But, that's also what makes it fun. The central body is, at its core, a square platform. But, Hasbro layered details on top of that added visual depth and play features. A driver sits in the main seat and has controls that he can grip. There's a missile launcher that can elevate to shoot down planes or remain level with the ground to eliminate Hiss Tanks. The front features a bumper and a non-working winch. The back showcases a massive engine that is exposed. There is a spinning dual exhaust pipe to give the vehicle some elevation. On the back is a platform that can hold two figures. And, there is a handlebar for the figures to hold onto.
The siren song of the Swampmasher, for me, though, is the mounted gatling cannon. I loved the idea of gunners. And, a vehicle with a big gun that could be controlled by a figure standing behind it wasn't a common feature on G.I. Joe toys prior to 1988. The fact that the cannon was huge and detailed made it compelling. I imagined the devastation it would wreak on any Cobras. It's placement on the vehicle also allows for you to imagine that the vehicle driver is operating the cannon. Or, you can place a figure behind it to act as a gunner. (This was my preferred configuration.) With the gun, the Swampmasher could be pursuit vehicle, something being chased or, just a stationary position with a massive cannon. The thing about the cannon is that it was the central feature of the vehicle. But, all the other small details help the gun feel like it should be there and is a realistic weapon to be on such a vehicle.
The fact that the Swampmasher has no protection for the operator made it seem like a Cobra design. But, it also allowed me to purpose the vehicle for specific missions. The Swampmasher wasn't a first strike vehicle. Instead, it was a scout vehicle to get a small team of Joes into a position. Here, the elevating cannon could be devastating against Cobra aircraft as they took off from a secluded airstrip. Or, it would be a surprise element that would wipe out Cobra infantry as they started to advance on a Joe base. It could even be an escape vehicle used to flee an operation, with the 360 rotating cannon able to fire behind the vehicle to cover the escape. The weird wheel design actually did allow you to use the vehicle in water, mud, sand or other kid-friendly play environments. And, for some kids, the wheels could have been the vehicle's signature feature. To, me, they were just a bonus to the gun.
I would sneak my brother's Swampmasher from time to time. It was a good way to showcase the 1988 figures he had acquired that I had "outgrown". Plus, it was fun to mess with since you could create a quick, self contained little scenario and showcase things like the gun or wheels. I don't really have any specific memories of the Swampmasher. But, due to its late addition to our collection, our original survived relatively intact. And, early in my collecting days, I acquired another one. Since the vehicle isn't covered, takes up a small footprint and can hold figures in an unobscured way, the Swampmasher has been a staple of my photographs since the early 2000s. I liked it since the colors were bright and fun and they helped offset many of the later run figures who emphasized in my writings of those early days. Even today, I use the Swampmasher way more than classic vehicles I grew up with because it is so good at showcasing figures.
The one hindrance to the Swampmasher is that it can be a pain to get a figure into the driver's seat. And, some figures won't fit at all. (Looking at you, 1991 Tracker!) If a figure has too many details on his leg molds, it's unlikely that you'll get him to fit into the seat. And, it gets more problematic with later years. A ton of 1991 figures would look great in the Swampmasher, but they won't fit into the the narrow leg slots. My photos ended up limited because I couldn't get several figures into the vehicle. But, 1988 figures tend to work fairly well.
The Swampmasher is in a weird place in the line's history. It was released in 1988: a year that most "super serious collectors" consider an acceptable year. But, at the same time, it's a weird design that uses bright colors. The 1988 line vacillated between bright, oddball designs and classically colored vehicles like the Warthog. It's a very schizophrenic year. I will die on the hill that the 1988 vehicle crop is better than the 1987 series. It's probably better than the 1986 series, too. But, childhood nostalgia dies hard and the earlier years getting showcased in the cartoon will give them the publicity boost to erase any useful discussion about the merits of each years' actual selection of toys. But, no one can realistically argue that the LCV is a superior toy to the Swampmasher.
The 1988 vehicles saw wide reuse in other G.I. Joe markets. To the best of my knowledge, the Swampmasher was not released in Brazil. It did, though, find a second life in India. Funskool released the Swampmasher for many, many years. In the early 2000's, it was among the vehicles that were heavily imported by American dealers. But, that stock has all dried up. The Funskool release is very similar to the Hasbro version. So, there's no reason to have both. The Swampmasher would have greatly benefitted from a repaint. There are excellent customs of it out there where it's painted up in a Dreadnok Ground Assault paint job. So, the mold had some life that could have been extended.
Swampmashers sell in the $20-$25 range for a mint and complete sample. There's actually a lot of them out there, too. So, there's really no issue tracking one down. If you want to save some money, you can both find some cheaper from time to time and also put one together from parts for a discount. So, there's options for budget minded collectors, too. For the price it's really a no-brainer acquisition. It looks great on a display shelf and it can hold a lot of figures in the space, too. It's a vehicle that surprises me with its versatility and usefulness. So, I often choose it for photos over other, more popular vehicles. Once in hand, I think you'll find the green and purple are less of a hindrance than you'd have thought and the Swampmasher is fun to have around.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett - Around The Web
Were it not for the alternate construction style of the Ninja Force figures, they'd be among the greatest figures of the 1990's. But, they were given spring action gimmicks that eliminated the o-ring and back screw construction that defined the line. So, instead of the only updated figure for the Scarlett character being a late line icon, it is left to the scrap heap of Joe history. It's a testament to what could have been.
It's too bad the Pulse line sputtered out before it could get to fun stuff like this Scarlett. Frankly, a new take on her in this color scheme with standard construction could be a really nice figure. Super7 is about our only hope for that to happen. But, they have not shown any inclination to look to the comic book for obscure designs that can't be repained ad naseum. And, they have avoided 1990's paint jobs and characters like the plague. So, it will probably be quite a while before a figure like this Scarlett could even be considered for another design.
Until then, enjoy what's out there that features the original, but limited 1993 figure:
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett Profile
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by ronnie_trickshot
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by ptytoys2021
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by gen_liederkranz
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett at The Figure in Question
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by gen_liederkranz
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by ratface44_james
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by gijoe_c4_panama
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by camelography
1993 Ninja Force Scarlett by toysandtomfoolery
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
1994 Shipwreck
In many ways, I'm an odd collector. Mostly, it's due to the fact that my primary interest in Joe all revolves around the toys. Specifically, the action figures. While I enjoyed the comic and watched the cartoon when I was a kid, I often found them at odds with the actual toys that were on the shelves. I liked the toys for what they could be. And, while I incorporated aspects of the comic and cartoon into my little Joe world, it was the flexibility of the actual toys that kept me around and brought many amazing things to life. As such, after I had long aged out of toys and become and "adult" collector, I found myself at odds with many other collectors who got stuck on little continuity gaffes or character changes. They allowed little things like Shipwreck now being a Navy SEAL overshadow the fact that, in 1994, Hasbro made the single best diver figure in the entire Joe line. I didn't mind that it was Shipwreck. I was just enamored with an amazing feat of design.
Shipwreck was one of the earliest figures I found when I started buying up the remnants of the Joe line in 1995 or so. The instant I saw him, I knew he was a figure I had to own. He featured classic colors, accessories that I recognized and a removable air mask that plugged into his chest. He was everything I had ever hoped that Wet Suit or Torpedo would be. He was among the earlier figures I managed to find. And, when I found a second one at a Toys R Us over near Cincinnati, I immediately bought it so I had two of the figures in my collection.
With Shipwreck in my possession, I played out adventures in my mind. I thought back to how I would have used him when I was younger. But, the real memory I have of him is thinking of him as secret guardians of an underwater prison where the Joes kept all their Cobra POW's. Here, no one would know about Cobra. And, any attempt at escape would implode the whole structure since it was so deep underwater. Cobras would be transferred to the location in the Shark 9000 and then taken down to the airlock entrance where they would be placed inside. Once they were entombed, the Joes didn't care what happened. The civilization inside the structure could have been a horror of cannibalistic tribes or a bastion of culture and learning. The idea was inspired by a forgotten Ray Liotta movie of that era where he was on an island prison and had to escape.
I imagined the Shipwrecks having to fight off Eels who were exploring the area, hoping to find the reason why so many Joe ocean going voyages stopped at this location. Here, Eels would spear the divers in the air tanks, blowing them up. Or, they'd sneak up behind them and pull off their masks, leaving the poor diver to asphyxiate since they were down too deep to get to the surface in time to breathe. The Shipwreck figures stabbed more than one Eel with their giant knife. So, the terrible deaths suffered at depths in the ocean were equally distributed among good and bad guys.
As the 1990's turned to the 2000's, Shipwreck started to appear in my photos. He was among the figure profiles on this site. And, I tried to use him in various scenes whenever I could. As I tried to photograph him, though, the limitations of him being only a diver became apparent. I hate the figure without his air mask. But, having him wearing the mask while he's on land, shooting at Cobras is a pathetic call back to a full wet suit Torpedo appearing on scaffolding of the U.S. Treasury back in issue #16 of the Marvel comic. So, I began to use the figure less and less. Even the times when I attempted to get him in the water backfired. And, it was rare to get an actual good shot of him.
So, the figure fell a bit out of favor. I didn't use him nearly as often as I would have thought back in 1996 or so. Partly, this was due to the massive influx of new figures into my collection. The other part is that it can be tough to use divers in an aquatic setting. I have one set of underwater photos, taken with a disposable camera in the summer of 2000. After that, though, I had to settle for above water photos taken on puddles or rain water. A few of them turned out nicely. Others have elements I like, but were ultimate disappointments that weren't able to effectively communicate just how amazing this Shipwreck figure actually is.
I still have a good contingent of this figure in my collection. I viewed him as a Joe army builder for many years. The hidden face and lack of exposed skin made this an easy decision. This figure was, actually, the pinnacle of my Joe army builders for a bit. He was the first "Special Commission" commando. This meant that the trooper had multiple advanced skills such as being a deep water diver, pilot or environmental specialty in addition to their peak combat training. These were the guys who were just one mission away from becoming full fledged Joes. Still, most didn't make it. But, they were more capable than any other of the supporting troops who assisted the Joes.
Shipwreck's gear was among my favorites of the late retail run. First, his mask plugs into his chest. This alleviates the need for a backpack and makes the figure more self contained. When I first acquired Shipwreck, I thought this design element debuted with him. But, Hasbro had first used it on the 1990 Undertow: a figure I didn't know existed at the time. The "new to me" aspect, made the mask even more useful, though. After that, Shipwreck's weapon tree is well done. Being cast in black plastic was always a plus. The tree included a knife and rifle from Hit and Run, a Bullhorn rifle and a Shockwave pistol. There are 2 stand alone flippers with the figure as well as the requisite battle stand and black missiles that fit into the grey spring loaded launcher.
Shipwreck has some variants. The visible difference is that the figure will either have the straps on the figure's upper arms painted black or not be painted at all. The figure will also feature Country of Origin (COO) stamps of either China or Indonesia. All the Chinese figures have the black straps painted. While some Indonesian figures have the straps painted and others do not. In addition, there is a variant on Shipwreck's "Hit and Run" rifle. Some of them will have open trigger guards. Others will have filled in trigger guards. I do not have a breakdown of which COO's should include which weapon. From the samples I've seen, the blocked out trigger guard weapons seem to be included with the Indonesia COO figures. I remember my 2nd retail Shipwreck including the occluded trigger guard and wondering why the change the was made.
Shipwreck is also very prone to discoloration. Be mindful of this when you search out figures. The figure should be a solid grey. If the figure is discolored, you'll see tinges of yellow in the grey coloring. Many 1994 figures don't discolor evenly. So, that makes it easy to spot arms or a chest piece that's starting to turn. But, some will have full figure discoloration. There are unscrupulous dealers out there who will try to pass off these discolored figures as variants. And, on a figure like Shipwreck where there are known variants, it can get confusing. (Especially since the 2002 Shipwreck uses nearly the exact same coloring and is often mistaken for a variant rather than a new version.) So, watch the colors and be sure of what the figure should look like.
This Shipwreck mold got a bit of use. There are the two paint variants that were released in 1994. Then, in 1998, Hasbro produced the figure in aqua blue and black for an amazing repaint in their Navy SEAL team set that was exclusive to Toys R Us. In 2002, Hasbro used the mold again for the Internet exclusive Wave V pack. Unfortunately, this release was barely a repaint of the 1994 figure and uses the same grey base and black highlights. You don't need both the 2002 and the 1994. And, the fact that the 2002 figure is almost always yellowed really makes the 1994 a better option. The mold was then retired and never appeared again. Shipwreck appeared on the box art for the unproduced Battle Station that was to be released in 1995. So, he would have carried over. The box artwork shows Shipwreck in a unique pose. His coloring is difficult to make out. But, it appears to be the same as the 1994 figure. So, we don't really know if Shipwreck's 1995 release would have been a full repaint, slight repaint or just a straight re-release of the 1994. It's unfortunate that we never got to find out.
1994 Shipwreck figures were cheap for a long time. Into the early 2010's, you could get carded figures for under $10. That is no longer the case. Mint and complete figures sell in the $25-$30 range. Dealers will actually sell some for $45. Which is really odd as carded figures still only top out around $50. Collectors have finally realized that 1994 figures exist in lower quantities than prior years. So, you're seeing price corrections come around. They probably have swung too far as the market still hasn't recovered from the pandemic highs...mostly due to hoarding and the fact that most collectors don't need to sell right now. Regardless, I find this figure worth the price. But, I also have an attachment to him that many other collectors of my age would lack. I'm not sure I'd pay his current pricing knowing that the Battle Corps figures are far more common than the 1994 subsets. And, it is those subsets that seem to be the spear that drove all 1994's to overpriced highs during the early 2020's. Shipwreck is one of the first figures I'd choose if I had to rebuild my collection, though. So, he's worth a hard look any time you come across one.