Friday, July 12, 2024

1984 Baroness - Around The Web

Back in the mid 1990's, dealers convinced everyone that female figures were super rare and valuable.  Fortunately, Ebay proved that she was no more difficult to find than any other 1984 figure.  The market corrected and Baroness figures have never been hard to get.  But, Hasbro bought into the Baroness hype and produced nearly half a dozen versions of her over the years.  Some were good.  Some were bad.  Now, we have factory custom Baroness figures available, too.  So, if you're a Baroness fan, there's more than you could ever want from this original mold.

Being relatively popular leaves Baroness with a large amount of content out there.  So, check out the links below for your 1984 Baroness fix.

Baroness Profile

Baroness by thevintagetoylife

Baroness by strikeforce_codename


  1. I wound up buying four of those factory custom takes, one to correspond with each Super 7 ReAction variant I have—early cartoon/comic, regular cartoon, DIC cartoon, and Python Patrol.

    1. I just bought a Rednok factory custom. Every time I buy Black Major/LJT figures, it ends in disappointment. They're almost always floppy or loose or have some other issue. My Rednok is this way; I think they didn't use the right o-ring. Plus the arm swivels are loose.

      Most factory customs do look great, though.

    2. I agree they look good but in hand everything is loose or a it's doing the leg out thing or the paint is sloppy or some combination of disappointment. I haven't bought any for a few years now and what with the cost and quality, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

  2. To this day I don’t own an original Baroness. I returned to collecting in 2000 with the RAHC, and this Chameleon became my default Baroness. I see little need to ‘correct’ this.
