Saturday, April 1, 2023

European Exclusive Spirit Iron Knife - Around the Web

With the new month, we'll bring back one of our old favorites: International Joe Month.  This month will be all about international Joe figures.  There will be profiles, Around the Web and some other features: all showcasing international figures.  So, we'll start with the European Exclusive Spirit.  The fact that he's missing eyebrows is a cruel joke.  But, this is still a great update for a classic mold.


  1. Great repaint except that waist is extremely fragile. Mine is broken, but good luck in ever finding an original to replace it. I ended painting an original version black.

    1. Agreed, great repaint.

      It would be nice if this Spirit had eyebrows though.

  2. Who knew Charlie Iron-Knife was such a big fan of Red Stripe Beer?

  3. Is the body on this version actually black? To my eye, it looks like dark green with red stripes and black grenades.
