Saturday, December 7, 2024

1991 Super Sonic Fighters Rock and Roll - Around The Web

The Super Sonic Fighters Rock and Roll is one of those figures that, on the surface, seems bad.  But, upon a deeper review, it's a surprisingly good figure.  The base colors are amazing.  The orange is a lot of fun, too.  His gear is excellently sculpted and should be more popular.  In total, he's an underappreciated gem from later in the line.  Here's some of the best of him from around the web.

1991 Super Sonic Fighters Rock and Roll Profile

1991 Rock and Roll by corpscommandercody

1991 Rock and Roll by thedragonfortress

1991 Rock and Roll by ronnie_trickshot

1991 Rock and Roll by slipstream80

1991 Rock and Roll by thedustinmccoy

1991 Rock and Roll by 1990s_gi_joes

Funskool Rock and Roll - Rarities

1991 Rock and Roll by fun_time_at_serpentorslair

1991 Rock and Roll by sintechness

1991 Rock and Roll by relena_warcraft

1991 Rock and Roll by ptytoys2021

1991 Rock and Roll by 73larebear

1991 Super Sonic Fighters Rock and Roll

1991 Super Sonic Fighters Rock and Roll, Eco Warriors Flint


  1. That Orange just ruins it beyond saving honestly...

  2. I think if this was a foreign release, people would be a lot more forgiving, or even excited about the wild colors. Nobody complains about Tiger Force Outback being orange, or Funskool Beachhead having a red mask.

    We already have a sensibly colored '89 Rock 'n Roll, so the '91 version is just a bonus, and might as well have a pop of color.

  3. I actually prefer the colours of the Super Sonic Fighters version of Rock N Roll, as I think it's my favourite design and colours for the character in approx 4" scale. I actually like the Orange on most of the figure, except for the entire Hat being orange.

    I think the Hat should of been in the same colour as his Green Shirt or Brown Pants, and still kept the Bullets on the hat Orange(Well, I think they are Bullets on his hat. Whatever it is going around the hat, those should of been orange, but the rest of the hat either Green or Brown). Honestly, I think the Orange Hat makes it look more like a Duck Hunter's Hat, which you know, given how some of those 1990's Joes looked more like average/regular people(Such as Construction worker looking Outback, and Fisherman looking Bazooka), might not seem that far off.

    Another thing about the Super Sonic Fighter's Rock N Roll, is that I wish it still came with the Rifle that came with the Version 2 figure, so that it could peg into the right leg and look more complete, than not having it with some unused pegs on the leg.

    If I ever get a complete Super Sonic Fighters Rock N Roll figure, I may try and hunt down a loose incomplete version of this figure as well to paint the hat but keep the bullets orange, just so that I can have a Before and After figure. As well, hoping to get a Complete Version 2 Rock In Roll from 1989 or at the very least, all of the 1989 figure's accessories, so that I can give them to the Super Sonic Figure's Rock N Roll.

    1. Forgot to mention, 1 thing I like about the colour of this figure, is that because of his Green Shirt, I sort of look at it as a homage to the Green suit that most of the Original 13 wore, even if it isn't the same shade of Green of the Original 13. Still, it works for me.

  4. This is one of those figures that really needs to be seen in hand, to truly appreciate. The orange isn’t that bright and the green is so rich.

    The Funskool Roadblock came with some reasonably matching 1989 RNR accessories for this version

  5. Got this figure in 1992 for my birthday. Always loved the gun he came with and he always played a role in my Joe adventures. For whatever reason I liked this version more than the 89 version during my childhood (that has changed with age). I think it was more due to the fact he had the cool machine gun as I didn't really like the 89 version's guns and accessories (outside of the rifle that attached to his leg).

  6. Agreed that his hat base color would be better as a matching green or brown, keeping the orange bullets . Add some dark details to the grenades on his chest pouches would really pop , as well
