Saturday, March 8, 2025

1984 Slugger - Around The Web

The Slugger is one of the vehicles that really works well in photos.  It's small, but distinctive.  It has some fun details and can work with a variety of figures.  I use it quite frequently.  But, lots of others do, too.  I found a ton of Slugger content out there.  Sometimes its the subject of the photo and, other times, it's just a backdrop.  But, it works remarkably well in both settings.  So, take some time to check out all the guys who use the Slugger to great effect.

1984 Slugger Profile

1984 Slugger by atticagazette

1984 Slugger by CorpsCommanderCody

1984 Slugger by steelbrigade

1984 Slugger by jogunwarrior

1984 Slugger by thedustinmccoy

1984 Slugger by Slipstream80

1984 Slugger by steelbrigade

1984 Slugger by tituslester32

1984 Slugger by rnrhero

1984 Slugger by larebear_73

1984 Slugger by 3rd_wave_sabotage

1984 Slugger by joe_hunter73

1984 Slugger by steelbrigade

1984 Slugger by thedustinmccoy

1984 Slugger by 3rd_wave_sabotage

1984 Slugger by steelbrigade

1984 Slugger by mrmikevinthepit

1984 Slugger, Ripcord, Recondo, Mutt, Brazil, Estrela, Comandos em Acao, Mastim, Leopardo, Fumaca

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