Saturday, January 29, 2022

1985 Dusty - Around The Web

1985 is full of high profile figures.  Flint, Snake Eyes, Lady Jaye and Shipwreck are among the most popular characters in the line.  There is then the second tier of characters who supplement the release year and really make 1985 the special year that it was.  For some collectors, Dusty will be considered an equal to Flint.  To others, he's below Bazooka.  Regardless of where the characters falls for you, though, the 1985 Dusty figure is pretty solid.  It's probably the best representation of a real desert trooper in the Joe line.  (You don't wear short sleeves in the desert!)  The cloth piece attached to his helmet was the first appearance of non-plastic material with Joes.  (Though, Kenner had used it in Star Wars for many years by this time.)  It has become such an ingrained piece of Dusty's look that any figure missing the cloth just looks out of place.

The upside with a figure like Dusty is that a great many content creators have been able to use him in amazing photos through the years.  Sure, they are all desert themed.  But, that's what you'd expect from Joe's seminal desert trooper.  You'll find a wide array of content below.  Personally, I underutilized Dusty when I lived in the desert.  I somewhat lament that, now.  But, I'm sure I'll find a way to get him worked into future photos, too.  Until then, enjoy the best of Dusty from around the web.

1985 Dusty, 1984 VAMP Mark II, Plastirama, Sigilo, Quick Kick, Argentina
1985 Dusty, 1983 Wolverine, Plastirama, Backstop, Argentina, Starduster, 1987, Mail Away, JUMP, Jet Pack

1985 Dusty, Lady Jaye, Quick Kick

1985 Dusty, Alpine, Risco, Plastirama, Argentina

1 comment:

  1. Spot on!

    As a kid in 1985 it was Flint first of course, but Dusty was definitely my second favorite right behind him.

    Those were good times...
