Saturday, July 30, 2022

1990 Sub Zero - Around The Web

Sub Zero is one of the more obscure arctic releases.  He's kind of the forgotten man when you think of Joe's winter operations team.  But, he's a worthy successor of his predecessors.  He includes a plethora of excellent gear.  He has a solid sculpt.  And, his colors are near perfect for arctic conditions.  And, he's found more acceptance in recent years.  Seeing Joes out in the snow is fun.  So, here's some of the best content on the 1990 Sub Zero from around the web.

1990 Sub Zero Profile

1990 Sub Zero by thedustinmccoy

1990 Sub Zero by scarrviper

1990 Sub Zero by yovalleyjoe

1990 Sub Zero by codename.steve

1990 Sub Zero by gijoecollector

1990 Sub Zero by joes_by_james

1990 Sub Zero by gen_liederkranz

1990 Sub Zero by HCC788

1990 Sub Zero by andrewofsengir6

1990 Sub Zero at Toysfromthepast

1990 Suz Zero by gen_liederkranz

1990 Sub Zero, 1987 Maverick, Battle Force 2000

1990 Sub Zero, Cold Front, 1985 Snow Cat

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