Saturday, February 15, 2025

1989 Arctic Tundra Stalker - Random Photos of the Day

The 1989 Stalker might be the best 2nd version of any character in the Joe line.  He's just about a perfect figure.  His sculpting is great, his colors make sense.  And, his gear is nothing short of spectacular.  I've been fortunate to get him out in the snow this year.  So, I was finally able to take advantage of his gear and showcase him in his intended element.  He's definitely a figure I'll continue to use as the weather allows.

1989 Stalker, 1994 Snow Storm, 1993 Shark 9000, 1994 Lifeline

1989 Stalker

1989 Stalker

1989 Stalker, 1992 Toxo Zombie, 2020 Ghost Mortal, Black Major, Factory Custom

1989 Stalker, 1994 Windchill, Blockbuster, 2001 Big Ben, ARAHC

1989 Stalker, 1983 MANTA


  1. I remember him and Rock and Roll being everywhere in 1989 when I went to anyone with a kid brother

  2. Can't believe this guy was only $3 back in the day. What amazing value in addition to everything else.

  3. This was my favorite figure from the 89 series. That Kayak really had me chasing that figure for a few weeks until I found one.

  4. This Stalker was awesome. One of the best figures from the line. The kayak, mask, knife and gun were all amazing accessories.

  5. I remember getting this figure for my friend for his birthday. My mom was driving me to Chuck E Cheese to go to his birthday party, and I mentioned how cool Stalker was. My mom said I could just keep it for myself and we didn't have to go to the birthday party. I thought that would be pretty messed up, so I said no, I wanted to give it to my friend and go to the party.

    My mom has always been kind of a you-know-what.

    Anyway, this Stalker if phenomenal. I have my own copy now. I lost touch with my friend after high school; pretty sure he's not the type to care about toys anymore.
