Tuesday, March 8, 2022

1991 Snake Eyes - Around The Web

In the late 1990's and early 2000's, this 1991 version of Snake Eyes was considered his worst look.  No one cared for it and it was largely ignored by the collecting world.  Slowly, though, kids who had this figure as their only Snake Eyes grew into adult collectors.  And, today, you see a ton of collectors who consider this "their" Snake Eyes since he defined the character in their childhood.  It's been a slow, but welcome transition in the community to have more people appreciate the 1990's Joes due to their inherent quality and design.  In the case of this figure, even the red weapons work within the context of the figure.

1991 Snake Eyes Profile

1991 Snake Eyes by Self-Modifier

1991 Snake Eyes by toysandtomfoolery

1991 Snake Eyes by myplasticshots

1991 Snake Eyes by HCC788

1991 Snake Eyes by 73larebear

1991 Snake Eyes by gen_liederkranz

1991 Snake Eyes by darkstar_vintage

1991 Snake Eyes at JoeADay.com

1991 Snake Eyes by elevatemetoahigherhumanform

1991 Snake Eyes by joerizzo2025

1991 Snake Eyes by codename.steve

1991 Snake Eyes by toysandtomfoolery

1991 Snake Eyes

1991 Snake Eyes, 1993 Outback, Battle Corps

1991 Snake Eyes, 2020 Black Major COIL Ninja, Stormshadow


  1. I vividly remember being stopped in my tracks in a Thrifty's store in 1991 upon seeing this guy on an end cap.

    I instantly knew it had to be Snake Eyes. But I had to double check because he was, well, blue with pink weapons! But it was Snake Eyes indeed. He was pretty weird, but he was Snake Eyes, so I had to have him.

    I think the most interesting accessory was his grapple launcher backpack. The gun and sword were not too interesting other than being pink.

    30 years later, I like him. Even the pink weapons add some fun/ridiculousness. The only thing I don't like are the forearm guards and shin wraps. They seem more Chinese kung-fu fighter to me, not Japanese ninja.

  2. I don't care what anyone says, this is my favorite Snake Eyes figure. You cannot believe the excitement I had seeing this figure for the first time. The pink weapons really did suck, but I loved his giant goggles which I pretended were night vision infra red and I loved that backpack. I would have him hang in different places all over the house. So to your point, I was around 10 or 11 when I got this figure and i think that's why it holds a special place in my collection. My era was 1990-1994.

  3. i think the weapons wreck this figure. it's a good design, and the bright red mask would work, if it wasn't matched by those ridiculously huge and bright weapons. if this figure came with weapons in a darker grey or blue than the body has, he'd be much more popular.
