Saturday, February 22, 2025

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire - Around The Web

I wasn't quite prepared for the rabbit hole this figure lead me down.  But, there's just tons of content on him out there.  Tripwire is a character who's used quite a bit more than you'd ever think.  He's not a greatly popular character by any means.  But, something about his figures resonates with content creators and you see his various iterations appear in far more photographs than you'd think.

I think a big part of Tripwire's appeal to photographers is that he's a cool figure who can do something different than just stand around holding a rifle.  There's all sorts of ordinance and sapper things he can do.  Not to mention the great poses you can create with him sweeping for mines.  He looks good leading a team or a convoy.  And,it really breaks up the monotony of a line of guys all holding their rifles as they walk through some plants.

Check out the links below.  Some of these date back more than 8 years ago.  You'll see some names on this list who don't post any more.  But, when they did, they drove the hobby forward.  Looking back at some of these photos reminds me of how vibrant the Joe community used to be.  We've lost a lot in the past decade.  But, for now, there's still some reminders of the old days that you can find with a little work.  

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire Profile

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thedustinmccoy

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by joesinphotos

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by viper_space

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thevintagetoylife

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by dashiellrfairborne

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thedustinmccoy

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by gijoeboss

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by backyardjoes

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by viper_space

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by badvoodoocollections

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thevintagetoylife

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thedustinmccoy

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by gen_liederkranz

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by mpjoes

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by actionfigurefotos

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thedustinmccoy

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by cobra_florence

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by specialmissionforce

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by ironman3719

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by c3pestro

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by thedragonfortress

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by plasticbattles

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by clutch_rules

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by matemylar

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by gijoebarcelona

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by kushviper

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by wigramjoe

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire by jeremiecapitaine

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire,

1988 Tiger Force Tripwire, Blowtorch, Brazil, Estrela, Tocha, SAS, Action Force, Panther, VAMP


  1. Worst Tiger Force figure.

    Soooo tired of seeing him in EVERY claim sale along with Sneak Peek lol

  2. Do you just come here to leave negative, pissy comments?

    1. I leave my opinion. Is that legal or no?

  3. Great photos from you and all the IG content creators over the years. Love the way the TF figures and vehicles "pop".

  4. OG Tripwire is perfect as Greenshirt Trooper/ Crewman/ Utilitarian Personnel. Love this guy as Desert Version.

    1. So I'm not the only one! Yeah, give him a rifle or submachine gun and he's a great faceless goon.
