Thursday, August 16, 2018

1991 General Hawk - Around the Web

I've not been feeling well for the past week.  So, content is sparse.  If I'm feeling better, things will be back to normal next week.  For now, here's some sparse stuff I was able to find in regards to the excellent 1991 General Hawk figure around the web:

1991 General Hawk Profile

1991 Hawk at the Dragon Fortress

Funskool's take on the 1991 General Hawk

General Hawk Pre-Production at

General Hawk at

1991 General Hawk, Zap, Super Sonic Fighters, 1985 Mauler

1991 General Hawk, Zap, Super Sonic Fighters, 1985 Mauler


  1. Get well soon, Mike. Not a day goes by that I don't stop by your site. You deserve a break. And yeah, '91 Hawk is a cool figure.
