Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2005 Stormavik (Oktober Guard) Around The Web

The 2005 Oktober Guard figures were under produced.  At the time, Hasbro admitted that they had over estimated demand for the first two waves of Comic Packs.  And, as those packs were still on clearance around the country, they reduced the production run of wave 3 to help stock clear out.  Sadly, that wave included the Oktober Guard figures.  Collectors of the day were very easily able to acquire the figures at retail...for about a month.  After that, the figs dried up and and the molds were never seen again.  The figures in the wave are not perfect.  But, they are the best Oktober Guard figures Hasbro released.  Stormavik has long been my favorite Oktober Guard character.  His figure was, like the others, good enough for a $3.33 figure in 2005.  Here's the best of him from around the web.

2005 Stormavik Profile

2005 Stormavik by dreadnokdread


  1. One more for the list!

