Tuesday, July 25, 2023

1994 Star Brigade Ozone - Around The Web

I'm kind of in a funk when it comes to writing new profiles.  I've got a bunch started.  But, I haven't been able to finish any of them.  And, while I have hundreds of random photos and around the web posts started, none are really ready to post.  That included this look at the limited content on the 1994 Ozone.  But, I wanted to get something out.  And, as this Ozone was shortpacked in the cases that are likely to have the lowest production in the vintage line, content on him doesn't exactly ooze out of the collective fandom.  

But, this is a figure I enjoy.  The colors are distinctive and memorable.  And, they keep this mold from being stale, even in it's fourth paint job.  1994 Star Brigade are having a bit of their moment in the sun in the collecting world and high prices reflect that.  This figure was never all that easy to find, even if he was super cheap when I tracked him down.  Because of that, there's little done with him.  So, enjoy the 1994 Ozone as it's not a figure you're going to see all that often.

1994 Ozone Profile

1994 Star Brigade Carded Set

1994 Ozone by gen_liederkranz

1994 Ozone by corpscommandercody

1994 Ozone at The Dragon Fortress

1994 Ozone by relena_warcraft

1994 Ozone by codyanskaya

1994 Star Brigade Ozone, Roadblock

1994 Star Brigade Ozone, Roadblock

1994 Star Brigade Ozone, Roadblock


  1. I don't have much pull for Ozone, in any of his colors. This one does look cool though.

  2. I don't have a single Ozone. This version looks more like a Cobra flame trooper than an astronaut.

    This is one of those molds that just appears to be a random collection of straps, armor plates, and grenades, and no relation at all to the character's specialty. Although Ozone's original specialty is ridiculous anyway.
