Friday, October 20, 2023

1983 FANG - Around The Web

Little flying machines make for better toys.  They are fun to play with and and easier to manipulate.  The FANG would have been a more integral part of my childhood.  But, my younger brother got it too early in  his life.  And, it was quickly broken, rendering it a small part of our childhood collection.  Now, I appreciate the design of the copter much more.  Sure, it's a death trap for the pilot.  But, it's cheap to build and packs a lot of firepower for short range attacks.  I just need to get around to completing mine.

1983 FANG Profile

1983 FANG by Scarrviper

1983 FANG by bruxovigo

1983 FANG by gijoe_guy

1983 FANG by Nekoman

1983 FANG by ironman3719

1983 FANG by dashiellrfairborne

1983 FANG by formbx257

1983 FANG by masterbungle

1983 FANG by HCC788

1983 FANG by slipstream80

1983 FANG, 2023 Ramp Rat, Action Force Red Jackal, Red Shadows, Destro, 2022 Baroness, Stinger

1983 FANG, Black Major Cobra Trooper

1983 FANG, 1986 AVAC, 1990 Interrogator


  1. Loved having Snake Eyes forcibly board them mid aie

  2. Uggggg mid air lol

  3. I liked it less now than then back then. It gets fragile with age, but that red bar piece was always a fragile/poorly designed piece.
    And it's too small for even what it is. I mean, I buy into the death trap thing, but a little bit more crew protection or at least better seating. I think some of the many FANG rip-off got that better, like Lanard's later attempt and Chap Mei's early attempt. It's funny that knock-offs had more than one take on the concept. The one man minicopter became a staple of any 3 3/4" military line.

  4. The FANG would be a GOAT if it weren't so fragile. Small, cheap, cool looking, great colors. Small one-man vehicles were the best.
