Friday, December 8, 2023

2023 Cobra Mothership Tracking - The Home Stretch

So, yeah, I've been offline for a couple of weeks.  Lots of stuff going on and it was simply easier to drop Joe from my life for a bit than it was to try and keep up.  So, I haven't updated the tracker since 11/23.  And, in the two weeks since then the Mothership...still hasn't moved.  Here's what updates I did track:

11/25/23 - 1443 + 0
11/26/23 - 1443 + 0
11/27/23 - 1446 + 3
11/28/23 - 1446 + 0
11/29/23 - 1446 + 0

And, on 12/8/23, the total number of backers is 1484, less than 40 in two weeks.  The bulk of that number was a small jump from the Super7 announcement that they will be bringing an o-ring line of Joes to production in late 2024...about the time this ship will be distributed.  (Assuming it funds.)  But, more on that later.

For now, we're three days shy of the deadline for the Mothership.  I still think we'll see a last day surge.  But, we should be seeing some folks back it this weekend.  So, now, I'm non-committal on the funding.  It probably won't fund at this point.  But, it still might.  I definitely want it to fund, even though I'm not backing it.  And, I'm going to HATE the terrible takes that will dominate the Joe world for a day or two if it fails.  (Hint, they'll all be completely wrong about why it failed and will be all based on myopic, pre-conceived notions rather than actual data.)  

As for the announcement of the o-ring line...I'm ambivalent.  I'm not going to collect it, per se.  In cases where it will supplement or augment my collection, I'll buy a couple.  I'll certainly pick up any I find on clearance as it's tough to find any o-ring figures for under $8.  But, I'm past the point of picking up a new line.  And, it's pretty obvious that the new line will be a homage to the vintage line rather than a continuation.  Even Hasbro has utterly failed to capture the essence of the vintage line's sculpting and design.  

I expect the Super7 line will look decent.  But, it will be different from the vintage Joes.  A Dr. Venom will be a nice supplement to my vintage Joes.  But, the first Cobra Commander is going to look out of place among 1983 Cobra Troopers.  So, I'll pick and choose.

When I look at the figures that Super7 has made for the ReAction line, there's several designs I'd have bought in o-ring format.  But, there's many great designs that simply don't have any resonance with my collection.  The Gamemaster figures are great.  But, I'd never buy them as I'm not a cartoon guy.  But, I'd buy a cartoon coloring of Flint in an instant.  

I do wonder how the line will do.  Hasbro proved there is no market for $25 o-ring figures among Joe fans.  That line crashed and burned faster than the Dungeons and Dragons line.  And, with different construction, I'm not sure they'll appeal to the standard ReAction figure fan.  You'll see people talking about lower production numbers for Super7.  But, the Pulse o-rings didn't have high production runs.  And, they still failed.  If the Super7 figs go to real retail, they might do better.  But, I still wonder if there's a long term market for any o-ring line.

I'll be interested to see what Super7 comes up with.  But, I'm not going whole hog on the line.  It's doubtful that the gear will be compatible.  And, the heads will stand out quite a bit.  That's doesn't mean, though, that I won't buy some, photograph them and write way too much about them.

We'll touch base again on Wednesday when we know the Mothership's final fate.

Super7 Cobra Viper, O-Ring, Cobra Mothership


  1. I think I'm all in on Super 7 O-rings.

    Their offerings simply look too good. Their Ultimates look perfect, better than anything Hasbro has done, with the exception of the original line. Even the 5-POA Joes look pretty good, despite the terrible format.

    And the one O-ring figure they've shown looks too perfectly fit in with the old-school aesthetic. I think they're going to knock it out of the park. Frankly, I dislike some of the upcoming kickstarter designs, so I'm fine with something derivative of existing designs that I actually do like.

    1. Me too. The O-rings offered with the Cobra Mothership look like they would fit in pretty well with the vintage stuff. I am just happy that Hasbro has decided to allow another company to take a shot at O-rings since the scale has been treated as an afterthought by Hasbro.

      I am at the point where I don't want to invest in vintage ARAH anymore. I am very happy with what I have from the ARAH O-ring era and think it's a good stopping point (plus the aging plastic). I was content with only expecting o-ring figure offerings either via kickstarters or through the Hasbro Transformers crossover series. Having a company that is very enthusiastic about o-rings getting the ability to have a shot at a more wide scale release at retail is a pleasant surprise.

  2. Early a.m. Sunday, it is over 1500. The fact that it's reached this level before the final day is a great sign. It's going to fund. Bonus Tiers will be reached as well, and all doubters will be silenced.

    1. Wait so you think because it's gotten less than one hundred backers in the two days since this was posted, it's definitely going to get 2500 backers in the remaining day?

  3. I'm almost there on getting the Vipers, although it looks like it probably won't matter anyway.
