Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Top 10 - 2023

2023 was a good year and a slow year.  Overall, site traffic was actually way, way up.  Pages were viewed over a quarter of a million times.  And,  there were over 400 comments posted on various profiles and articles.  Individually, though, post views were somewhat down.  Most profiles sat right around 200-225 page views.  But, a few items broke through and got some good engagement.  The theme of the year, though, is Super7.  They occupy 3 of the top 10 slots.  But, that's about all that's really happening in the 3 3/4" Joe world.  So, their popularity isn't surprising.  (Especially, with the "hate views" that Super7 stuff tends to get.)

Aside from that, there's nothing that really stands out other than the 2000 ARAHC Big Ben.  I have no idea why he resonated so well with the community.  But, he was the most mundane entry in this list.  The Black Major Steel Brigade Ranger and the 1991 Badger were the last two posts to fall just outside the top 10.  So, the year was more standard than others we've had, recently.  

So, onto the list of the site's most popular posts in 2023:

I haven't looked a ton of the Street Fighter figures from the vintage Joe line.  And, among them, Blanka is one of the most visually distinctive.  That added up to the 10th most viewed page of the year.

1993 Street Fighter Blanka, 1994 Viper

There was a time when this profile would have lapped the field.  But, those days are past and Satan, despite the current high pricing, is a bit passe in the Joe world.  This still was popular enough to break the top 10.  But, I thought it might have done better.

Satan, Plastirama, Argentina, Stormshadow, Red Ninja

Shipwreck is the first of three Super7 appearances in the top 10.  This figure is neat due to the Brazilian origins of the design.  Super7 figures are what they are.  And, in 2024, Joe fans will see what the company can do with o-ring figures.  I fully expect them to just be sculpting similar to this figure but with the additional joints.  Regardless, I'll take their line as a supplement to my Joe collection and use it to fill out missing holes and such.  But, there's just no way I'll buy more than a handful of figures from the first few waves.

Super7, Tiger Force, Shipwreck, Marujo, 2023

The first Super7 figure I looked at clocks in as the 7th most viewed profile of the year.  Ninja Ku is well known.  But, being a Target exclusive, he was also clearance fodder.  And, that's how I got him.  We have seen from the Target computer that Duke, Snake Eyes, Ragnar and a blonde Cover Girl are planned for the first wave of o-ring figures from Super7.  (I expect there's more, unannounced figures to come, too.)  It will be interesting to see how they play at retail in late 2024.

Super7, Ninja Ku, Ninja Black, Plastirama, Argentina, Target Exclusive, 2022

I miss Red Laser Army.  There was a hoax going around that he was returning.  But, he's focused on his Kickstarter o-ring line of ninjas that looks great.  Figures like this Kickstart version are a great supplement to a Joe collection.  You can use him as a different look for Snake Eyes or as a new character.  The blank slate is something we're missing in the line these days.  

Kickstart V2, Red Laser Army, Snake Eyes, Black Major, Factory Custom, Sightline, 2017, Steel Brigade Ranger, 2023

Rarities month was a dud this year.  But, this Mega Marines Toy Fair Catalog post did break out.  It has tons of action and features some pre-production figures among the displayed toys.  I don't have much for Rarities Month in 2024.  But, it will still go ahead, even if it's just a handful of posts.

1993 Toy Fair Catalog, Mega Marines

Yeah, I have no idea.  This Big Ben is the compulsory oddball in every year's top 10.  The upside, though, is that this really is a great figure and one of the better repaints not only of that time, but in any era.

2000, 2001, Big Ben, ARAHC

In my 2022 Top 10, I mention there were rumors of a Soundwave with Zartan and Zarana.  Well, it turned out to be true.  The reveal of it was the third most viewed page of the year.  It was also the only 3 3/4" G.I. Joe that Hasbro released to retail in 2023.  For 2024, we have a Hawk/MOBAT that's confirmed and rumors of a Triple T with Sgt. Slaughter and another, unknown Transformer coming with Leatherneck.  All three sound like bigger duds than the Thunder Machine.  We'll see what we end up getting, especially since the smaller retailers that Hasbro duped into buying the Thunder Machine are currently sitting on really expensive stock that isn't moving and won't be buying any future offerings in this ill-conceived line.

2023, Soundwave, Thunder Machine, Zartan, Zarana

The Skystriker figures were the talk of the community upon their release.  And, this Scarlett did very well.  Now, the figures are both old news and relatively forgotten.  The aftermarket crash for the plane and the figures have left many collectors sour.  I have another Skystriker profile that will show up in the first few weeks of 2024.  So, we'll see how that compares.

2023 Pilot Scarlett, Haslab, Skystriker, 1985 Snake Eyes

I followed the failed Cobra Mothership on a (mostly!) weekly basis.  Overall, the posts relating to the Mothership were viewed over 2500 times and it was the most popular subject on the site this year.  It's too bad that the ship failed.  Cool, big, expensive toys should get made every now and then.  And, when you consider that you could have gotten the Mothership for the same price as 2 each of the Megatron/Baroness, Bumblebee/Stalker and Soundwave/Zartan sets, it really puts the failure into perspective.  But, Joe fans are cheap.  And, we are few.  That's not a combo that sets you up for great success.  And, the Mothership's demise was just another knot in the string of dead bodies that the Joe line has left behind since the first reboot failed back in 2001.

Super7, Cobra Mothership

So, that wraps up 2023.  Really, I ended up doing way more with  the site this year than I had anticipated.  But, I found some good photo subjects.  And, Super7 gave me some nice content in the 4th quarter that disguised my otherwise dearth of updates.  I've got some fun stuff ready to go in January and February.  But, I'm behind on picture taking.  This time of year is rough as everything is just brown and  uninteresting.  I'll find something, though.

I hope your year was excellent and wish you a happy 2024.  In November, we'll mark the site's 25th Anniversary.  At that point, I'll have been doing this for half my life.  Perhaps, that's a wasted life.  But, hobbies are just that.  We'll have lots to discuss in 2024, though, between new products, Black Major and Kickstarters.  Some of that will be good, some will be terrible and most will be the forgettable layer in between.  But, we'll cover it all.  We'll write it down.  And, maybe, some day in the future, that info will be a valuable marker of sentiment or fact regarding a release that would otherwise be lost to time.  

Until then, I wish you all well and sincerely thank you for stopping by to share the Joe hobby with me.


  1. Congratulations on the up coming 25th anniversary! I started looking at your site back in 2002. I remember it having a black background. To this day, I have no idea how I found your page, I wasn't even thinking of Joe back then, but I loved your site since . Just think, when your 50th anniversary comes around, the Real America Hero line will be 67 years old!

  2. Great summary of 2023! Your site has become one of my favorites. I miss the old Web 1.0 GI Joe landscape. Youtube has some great GI Joe content creators but sometimes just reading a person's thoughts and checking out pictures is a better experience. 25 years is an amazing run for a website especially since this is a hobby/passion project rather than a source of income. For that I can't commend you enough and your love and appreciation of GI Joe really resonates with me and keeps me interested in the hobby.

    I look forward to 2024 and what it brings to us in terms to new Joe product and reading your thoughts about it. I am certainly open minded about the O-ring Super 7 figures and the transformers crossovers are something that appeals to me personally. I also hope that some of the kickstarters funded back in 2022 start shipping out this year.

    Thanks again and keep up the good work!

  3. My top 10:

    10: '88 Storm Shadow
    9: '87 Dreadnok Cycle
    8: '82 RAM
    7: '93 Dino-Hunters Low-Light
    6: '87 Techno Viper
    5: '97 Destro
    4: '87 Cobra MAGGOT
    3: '86 Beachhead
    2: '89 Tiger Sting
    1: '91 Battle Wagon

    I track views poorly because I hate Google and I'm lazy, but that's what did well for me. Interestingly, vehicles really out-preformed almost everything else I wrote about besides a few classics. I was also really surprised that the Battle Wagon garnered as much interest as it did.

    Hope you have a great year this year, Mike!

    1. Hi, what is your site? Would love to check it out!

    2. Here ya go:

    3. Vehicles do tend to do well...both in blogs and on Instagram. And, it seems that obscure '90's vehicles get a lot of attention from both kids of the '90's and morbid curiousity from '80's kids.

      I'd love to do more of them. But, I really don't have that many aside from the staples that are relatively boring.
