Saturday, September 4, 2021

1991 Grunt - Around The Web

 The 1991 Grunt is not a good figure.  The head is atrocious.  The chest is bad.  And, the colors leave much to be desired.  He doesn't even include good gear.  In short, he's one of those figures that just missed on every cylinder.  But, that's really what makes him compelling.  The figure is so out of place that he's recognizable and really helps bring a photo to life.  There's some fun content on Grunt out there.  

1991 Grunt Profile

2003 Funskool Grunt

1991 Grunt by Slipstream80

1991 Grunt by tituslester32

1991 Grunt by gen_liederkranz

1991 Grunt by jogunwarrior

1991 Grunt by gijoebarcelona

1991 Grunt by thedustinmccoy

1991 Grunt, 1993 Flak Viper

1991 Grunt, 1993 Flak Viper, 1986 Roadblock


  1. It's crazy because 1991 was almost a perfect run of figures...who approved Grunt, and why?

    Would love to interview the 1991 design team!

  2. Someone at Hasbro seems to have it out for this character. The new "Retro" Grunt figure also has a terrible face.

  3. It seems like, based on the navy belt buckle, he was meant to be a different, possibly new character.

  4. I was gonna comment the same as above, besides Mercer he is the only real miss of 1991.

    I know people like the Mercer but I despise him with facial hair!!
