Wednesday, February 28, 2024

1993 Crimson Guard Commander - Random Photos of the Day

On February 29, 2000, I posted a profile of the 1993 Crimson Guard Commander.  I wanted to get a post published on leap day.  So, 24 years later, why not come full circle and post up some random photos of the 1993 Crimson Guard Commander on leap day?

So, here's some photos of the figure.  My army has grown by a small amount.  I bought two of these guys at retail and it took me more than two decades to really expand upon that initial force.  You don't really see this figure army built all that often.  It's a function of the figure being labeled a commander as well as the general apathy that collectors tend to have towards the mold.

Personally, this remains one my preferred 1993 army builders.  I do wish we'd have gotten a repaint where the yellow was replaced with silver.  But, we never got it.  One of these days, I'll get a few more of these guys to complete my 1993 army.  Until then, enjoy what's below and let me know your thoughts on this figure.

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, 1985 Tomax, Xamot, 1983 FANG

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, 1985 Tomax, Xamot, 1983 FANG

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, 2004 Crimson Guard

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, Flak Viper

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, Flak Viper, Star Brigade, TARGAT

1993 Crimson Guard Commander, Flak Viper


  1. I painted the face shield silver, and the rest of the yellow black, on a figure I have. It's a vast improvement.

  2. This is a case of a great mold, questionable colors, and totally mismatching the figure to the character.

    Actually what is up with this mold? The head screams Viper. Or maybe CC. What a great head for customs.

    And those arms? You can't tell me they weren't originally designed for Destro. Two mini rockets on the right, and a mini computer on the left? Yeah, that's Destro.

    The legs are the only part of this figure that says "Crimson Guard" to me. But they just look good generally.

    I don't care for the chest at all. Is that a Cobra casserole dish? You could drop hot wax on a letter and press this guy against it for a perfect Cobra seal. The design underneath looks cool, to bad it's covered up.

  3. Definately an odd figure done in by its colors. Replace the yellow with silver or black and it would be a winner. And paint the Cobra sign while we're at it. I don't have any but would not mind owning a few.

  4. Crazy that 2000 was 24 years ago and even more amazing you remembered it was a leap year back then and wanted to revisit it with this post!

    I loved this figure as a kid and it still holds up today. It's another 90s spin on one of the classic figures from the 80s (admittedly CG Immortal is probably the better evolution of the original CG) but again for a 90s kid the CG Commander was a top tier figure for me. I have a small army of them in my adult collection, I don't treat them as commanders though but just another branch of the Crimson Guard.

  5. Double post...sorry

  6. As someone collecting at the time, I saw his artwork and name in the 1993 catalog before I saw the toy. And the name "Was this guy replacing the Crimson Twins?" Getting the figure, it was more like they replace the Cobra Officer, at least for the toys, as there hadn't been any new nameless officer in the toys in nearly a decade.

    The mold is both all over the place and so generically Cobra that it could be Viper update, some random new trooper...that's where Cobra troops were at that point in the toys. Cobra collector plate strapped to him with TM next to logo...a Hasbro in-joke?

    1. Maybe Cobra's like the Red Cross or something, and sues anyone who uses their terrorist trademarks without permission.

      "so generically Cobra that it could be Viper update" sums up my feelings on the mold pretty well. I think of everything released between '93 and '94 this might be the most bland Cobra. That's not totally a bad thing, as the figure appeals to my inner fan-fiction dork. Still means he's on the same level as some random dude from Spy Troops though.

  7. Bought 2 sets thinking I could sell the second for double. Last year I sold that set and netted $2 less than I paid for that one alone.
