Thursday, July 18, 2019

1983 Airborne Around the Web

Airborne is the reason I'm a Joe collector today.  He was my introduction to swivel arm battle grip and was the catalyst that drove Star Wars out of relevance for me.  The figure hasn't maintained his place of prominence since then.  But, it's still an excellent release.  Here's the best of him from around the web.

Airborne Profile

Airborne by thedustinmccoy

Airborne by Scarrviper

Airborne by RTG

Airborne at the Attica Gazette

1983 Airborne, Zap, Tan Grunt, Locust, 2000, ARAHC, Ripcord, Argentina, Plastirama, Sokerk

1983 Airborne, Zap, Tan Grunt, Locust, 2000, ARAHC, Ripcord, Argentina, Plastirama, Sokerk


  1. his CAR-15 is one of my favorite accessories from the entire line. in the 2000’s i debated casting one that i had carefully removed the bayonet from. a special forces unit in the 80s would have a lot of them laying around.

    1. As a kid, I cut the bayonet off the Battle Gear version. It gave me both a different gun and a knife...which were rare in the line at the time. I probably still have both sitting in a bag somewhere.

  2. I had Airborne as a kid, but cannot remember if I got him in 1983 or a couple of years later. I'd think I'd remember, but my brother had one in 1983 so that clouds my memory.

    Pretty solid figure. Cannot say anything bad about the figure other than maybe the crotch breaks too easily? Maybe? I think my brother's Airborne's crotch strip broke
