Saturday, August 20, 2016

Diorama - Eel In Training

We had a bit of early winter rain.  Overnight, it turned cold and the ground water froze.  We then got a light dusting of snow.  I liked the idea of Arctic training for the Eels and thought of having them break through the ice.  Rather than attacking the Joes, I turned the table and had the Joe surprise the trainees.  I was hoping to get some better photos of Airborne.  But, none of those turned out.  The plan was to use the pics for a Duke profile, too.  But, I only ended up getting his back.  Still, this was a fun set to set up and take as the weather wasn't too bad, but the setting made it look like it was.

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord, Ace, Wild Bill

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord

1985 Eel, 1983, 1984, Dragonfly, Duke, Airborne, Ripcord


  1. One of my favourite things about some of your dios was seeing different angles of them throughout different profiles!

    I always liked these shots, too, as a lot of dio shots in the 2002 era were all either pictures of shelves or in the TALL GRASS. This group was one of the few that seemed like it had a scale environment.

  2. I think the Eel's need more training .
