Tuesday, December 31, 2024

What's Left?

Recently, General Liederkranz undertook a project to photograph the remaining figures in his collection that he had yet to take out for a photo shoot.  It got me to thinking: what figures do I have left to profile?  There's over 1600 posts on this blog...most of them showcasing a G.I. Joe figure of some sort.  So, who do I have yet to look at?  

It's a tough question since you can put various boxes around it.  Do I just look at the vintage run?  Do I include the repaint era?  What about convention figures?  Funskool was easier to get than many of the Toys R Us exclusives during the early 2000's.  So, do I add them to the list?  I went with 1982 through 2001.  Mostly because I don't collect JvC figures nor do I collect anniversary figures.  And, starting in 2002, you also get themed waves.  I also sold off most of my 2002-2005 figures, especially convention figures.  So, I'm missing a ton of figures there that will, likely, never again call my collection home.

Below is the list of what I haven't profiled.  Figures in red text are figures I currently own.  You'll notice that most of the holes are figures that are not part of my collection.  Outside of these figures, I've already written about most of the foreign Joes that call my collection home.  And, those aren't easy to buy any longer.  So, it's doubtful my roster will expand  there, either.  This list is a start, though, and gives some perspective on what's still out there for me to cover.

Original 13:

I don't collect straight arms.  But, I'll count the swivel arm versions of the original 13.

Scarlett, Short Fuse


Duke, Cutter


Mail Away Sgt. Slaughter


Big Boa, Gung Ho, Steamroller, Golobulus, Avalanche, Fridge


Astro Viper, Armadillo, Ferret, Skidmark, Tiger Force Duke, Night Force Falcon, Night Force Outback, Night Force Tunnel Rat


HEAT Viper, Windchill, Slaughters Marauders BBQ, Slaughters Marauders Footloose, Slaughters Marauders Low Light, Slaughters Marauders Sgt. Slaughter, Night Force Charbroil, Night Force Spearhead


Sky Patrol Airborne, Sky Patrol Drop Zone, Sky Patrol Static Line, Cold Front, Major Storm


Snow Serpent, Dodger, Lampreys, Tunnel Rat, Sky Creeper, Major Altitude


Wet Suit, Dojo, Slice, Stormshadow, Cobra Commander, General Hawk, Overkill, Ninja Viper


Alley Viper, Cross Country, Iceberg, Mutt, Snow Storm - Both Versions, Wild Bill, Bio Viper, Monstro Viper, Mega Marines Gung Ho, Blast Off, Bushido, Red Ninja, BAAT, Duke, Heavy Duty, Ozone - Both Versions, Star Brigade Roadblock, Armor Tech Hawk, Pretty much all the Street Fighter figures, Major Altitude, Dee-Jay, Stalker, Big Bear, Big Ben, Budo


Alley Viper, Carcass, Effects, Lobotomaxx, Space Shot, Bushido, Nunchuk, Slice, Stormshadow, Action Pilot - Blue Version


Blizzard, Iceberg, Snow Job, Gung Ho, Viper, Duke, Breaker, Rock and Roll


Col. Brekhov, Night Creeper, Shipwreck


Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes, Stormshadow, Whiteout


Big Brawler, Cobra Commander, Gung Ho, Low Light, Sure Fire, Wetdown, Flint, Iguanus

I'll fill a few of these holes next year.  I think I have 6 or 7 of these figures already 80% written.  So, you'll likely see them in 2025.  Beyond that, there will be some retreads.  In some cases, it's been 15 or more years since I've looked at a mold.  So, they'll be making a comeback.  I'll look at some more vehicles, too.  (Maybe I'll get around to finishing the Bugg profile I started in 2017.)  I'm thinking of looking at some more vintage comics, too.  I haven't really read the comics in a long time.  So, going back to mine some obscure ephemera from them will help alleviate the content gaps since I don't own many toys that haven't gotten a write up.  

When the year began, I didn't think that I'd get to 100 posts in 2024.  But, I made it.  Not sure if that's something to celebrate.  I also didn't think that I would not add any new figures to my collection after January.  But, that also happened.  Not that there isn't some great stuff being done by Black Major.  I just haven't had the compunction to actually pull the trigger to expand my collection.  We'll see what Super7 does in 2025 with their o-ring line.  

I'm now in my 26th year of doing this.  It's always amazing to see how many of you have been here since the beginning and how many have just learned I exist.  I appreciate each and every one of you who stops by, reads what I have to say and takes the time to comment, repost or just react to my content.  I hope you and your families have had a great 2024 and that your 2025 is even better!

1988 Cobra Bugg, Secto Viper
Really, I might finally finish the Bugg profile.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

2018 Cobra Trooper Driver - Red Laser's Army

One of the great things about the 1982 Cobra Troopers and Officers was that they were completely compatible with all the Cobra vehicles of the era.  You could drop one into the FANG, HISS, Stinger or Rattler and the figure would look perfectly in place in whatever position you chose to use the figure.  They were the everyman of the enemy line.  As figure designs progressed, though, more specialization was introduced.  And, in just a few years, Cobra was a highly diversified army with figure and vehicle pairings that were less general and more specific.  (To be fair, the Joe side of the equation was similar.)  As kids of the '80's turned into adult collectors, though, there was a demand for more of the simpler offerings.  And, while Hasbro was able to deliver some Cobra Troopers and Officers, more support staff in their vein didn't actually come around until 2023.  Where Hasbro failed, though, factory custom makers thrived.  And, during the 2010's, we saw every color of Cobra Trooper imaginable from Black Major.  Red Laser Army, though, took the next step.  And, offered not only some basic Troopers in different uniforms, but also a few specialty Troopers who could fill in gaps from the vintage line.  This Cobra Trooper Driver might be the most useful of the designs.

The design aspect that makes this figure a driver is the introduction of the 1982 Clutch torso.  Clutch had one of the most memorable torsos among the original 13 Joes.  (He's tied with Steeler with just the single use for his parts.)  And, Hasbro never reused it for other characters.  That ties the chest piece to the driver specialty and allows collectors to instantly associate this figure with being a driver.  One on hand, the selling point of the original Cobras was that they didn't reuse Joe parts.  But,  for 30 years influential custom makers have been putting Cobra heads on original 13 Joe bodies to great effect.  So, the Hasbro precedent was usurped by the fan community's ingenuity.  And, it carried over to the 2018 Red Laser releases of this driver and the machine gunner Trooper who used the classic Rock and Roll torso.

The figure's coloring is vibrant.  The blue is much brighter and more powerful than the drabber Hasbro colors.  So, that makes these figures pop in photos.  The blue is offset by an equally powerful silver that's used on the accents.  I'm not sure why a driver needs a bomb on his leg (the legs were originally those for the the original Snake Eyes) but it gives the figure a much needed swath of color on his legs.  The grey and black on the torso are reminiscent of the Stinger Driver and help tie this figure to the first Cobra driver from 1984.  The short sleeves are also a Clutch homage.  They feature a relatively faint Cobra logo on the right arm.  (It tends to float up onto the rivet.)  The face is highlighted by a red mask.  Red mask Cobras appeared in the comic and were a stark difference from the black masked toys.  Most collectors have assumed the red masks as a classic, though.  And, the red also provides some strong color to the figure.  The one downside is that the entire lower leg is cast in black.  This was surely done as a cost savings.  For this figure, the look is acceptable and less ostentatious than on other figures.  But, it is something that can drive some collectors batty and is worth noting.

The blue color of the Red Laser Cobra Troopers has upside and downside.  The good thing is that the 2017 and 2018 Troopers that Red Laser produced match with each other.  So, you can get a nice squad of specialty Troopers that all blend together very nicely.  The downside, though, is that the blue color doesn't match any other early Cobra figures.  So, these figs are not a great complement to early Cobras.  Together, they look great.  But, when you try to mix and match them with classic Cobra blues, the lighter color really stands out.  The brighter blue color, though, is still a great complement to the classic black and red vehicles from Cobra's earliest years.  So, these drivers look right at home in a Stinger.

During the repaint era (1997-2010ish), Hasbro never resculpted the Clutch torso.  They made lots of other parts, often parts that were already existing.  So, the choice to not bring back a sparsely used fan favorite is bizarre.  One thing they did have, though, was the 1984 Thunder mold.  The Cobra Trooper or Officer head would have looked great atop the Thunder body.  And, repainted in Cobra blue, it would have made for an amazing updated Cobra Trooper that could have served as a vehicle driver.  Just one of these in the 2004 Cobra Infantry set would have been a great replacement for one of the Cobra Officers.  But, it was not to be.  Seeing the Clutch torso used for a driver, I do think that Thunder would have been a better choice for a new amalgamation.  

Which brings me to the final judgment of these figures.  And, it really comes down to the fact that the idea of a Cobra Driver using the Clutch torso seems like a better figure than it actually makes.  Despite being excited to own these guys, I've found that I rarely use them.  Each time I look at them, I just feel like they should offer something...more than they do.  I mean, the design is fine and the figure is pretty much perfect for it's intended usage.  Despite that, it's not a default choice for me, even when I'm yanking the Stinger out for a photo.  It could be that this torso was used on so many different Red Laser Army figures in the 2018 series that it lost some of its impact.  It could be that I'm just getting old and finally getting a figure I'd wanted for 20 years was somewhat of a letdown.  At its core, this is a very good figure.  It just doesn't inspire me like I had hoped it would.  

This figure included two accessories.  Both were originally seen on the 1984 Firefly.  The driver included a grey walkie/talkie and a grey sub machine gun.  The colors are unique.  But, also very light.  I don't find the rifle to be a great fit for this figure.  (The walkie/talkie does make some sense, though.)  But, truthfully, the Firefly weapon was kind of ruined by its constant appearances in the 1998-2005 Joe repaint line.  Here, the rifle was used ad naseum and I'm still burned out on it.  I've found that Red Laser Army's grey Uzis based on the 1982 Snake Eyes weapon or the grey Mac-11 based on the 1984 Mutt's pistol to be much better fits for these drivers.  Red Laser Army accessories remain cheap and available to this day, too.  So, you can get some more fitting weapons for the Driver should you come across one.

Red Laser Army upped their figure quality quite a bit in 2018.  Gone were the loose upper arm seals and the hands that couldn't hold weapons.  This Driver is closer to a vintage Joe than many other factory customs of the day.  He can hold his accessories and poses.  The joints are tight and the paint masks are crisp.  If you were hesitant to acquire any 2018 figures because of the issues with the 2017 series, that's not a feeling you should indulge.  The flaws were fixed and these figures work extremely well in any collection.  

It's not terribly easy, these days, to find these figures.  All the original resellers of Red Laser products are long sold out of their extra stock.  And, few collectors are liquidating their extras these days.  You can find the figures for sale by dealers for around $30.  But, they don't sell.  So, this is, more likely, a $20 figure or so.  But, it will take you a while to track one down.  Which is both a shame and, kind of, OK.  It's a neat figure to own.  But, it's also not essential.  The Driver is a fun way to expand a collection and bring some visual diversity to your army.  But, he doesn't fill a role that isn't already taken up by a vintage design.  When these guys were $12, you could take a flyer on one and not have risked too much if you didn't end up liking it.  If $20 or more is an amount you're comfortable with, then,  it makes sense to pick one of these guys up and see if it's more appealing to you.

2018 Red Laser Army Cobra Driver, 2022 Stinger, Cobra Trooper, Factory Custom

2018 Red Laser Army Cobra Driver, 2022 Stinger, Cobra Trooper, Factory Custom

2018 Red Laser Army Cobra Driver, 2022 Stinger, Cobra Trooper, Factory Custom

Thursday, December 19, 2024

2005 Crimson Shadow Guard - Random Photos of the Day

The Crimson Shadow Guard was a low effort release that Hasbro dropped at the end of the retail line.  It joined the HAS Set as the final sets Hasbro would give to Toys R Us as exclusives.  But, sometimes low effort is still OK.  And, in the case of the Shadow Guard, the black uniform take on the Crimson Guard worked out quite well.  We didn't need 6 of them in a single set, of course.  But, as an army builder, there were many worse releases in the repaint era.  

Of course, the Shadow Guard were flawed as they included terrible, non-sensical accessories that were mostly ninja weapons.  But, by 2005, Hasbro had all but given up when it came to the weapons included with figures.  The aftermarket had also stepped in and Marauder's Gun Runners was able to fully take advantage of Hasbro's lazy weapon complement.  

The real oddity was the inclusion of 6 identical figures.  Even the Cobra Infantry had made each figure unique.  And, later, the Viper Pit would break up the weapons and offer 1 exclusive figure among the identical soldiers.  But, this set was produced to be cheap.  So, 6 identical figures with easy to produce gear was the order.  Of course, that meant that army building collectors stopped at one or two sets since they were able to fill out obscure squads with small purchases.  But, even army building had become passe by 2005.  So, the Shadow Guard somewhat faded into obscurity.

Hasbro pretty much killed the online Joe collector community in 2005.  Their bizarre handling of the line drove away collectors en masse.  So, sets like this Shadow Guard got clearanced out.  And, when they dropped to $4 for a set, I bought way too many.  For under a buck per figure, it made sense to buy up more than I wanted.  Now, twenty years later, the Shadow Guard is still one of my most numerous army builders.  And, since they don't discolor and feature the pliable plastic of the 2000's, I actually use them way more than most figures I actually do like.

In the photos below, you'll see a version with a Fred head from the Comic Packs.  There's another with the Agent Faces head, too.  These two customs help break up the Shadow Guard.  And, with these "commanders", my Shadow Guard has a bit of characterization to it that has kept it somewhat relevant in recent years.  The Crimson Guard remains loyal to Cobra Commander.  But, the Shadow Guard is less certain in their allegiance.  If I ever want to work some intrigue within the Cobra ranks, the Shadow Guard are the first figures to come to mind.

The Shadow Guards remain pretty unloved.  While people will comment about how they like the design, the sales prices say that everyone has the figures they want.  Of the Toys R Us releases, Shadow Guards are among the cheapest figures to acquire.  And, while lots of dealers still cling to 2021 era pricing for repaint era Joe toys, they struggle to move any of them.  $15 is about the going rate for a figure.  But, you can get a carded set for under that price...indicating that the few sales are about frustrated collectors giving in to low demand.  The real price is probably half that.  But, you're going to grow grey waiting for them to come around in numbers.

2005 Crimson Shadow Guard, Toys R Us Exclusive, 2021 Hiss Tank, Fred, Survival Girl, Outback, 2023

2005 Crimson Shadow Guard, Toys R Us Exclusive, 2021 Hiss Tank, Fred

2005 Crimson Shadow Guard, Toys R Us Exclusive, 2021 Hiss Tank, Fred

2005 Crimson Shadow Guard, Toys R Us Exclusive, 2021 Hiss Tank, Fred

Saturday, December 14, 2024

1982 RAM

The RAM was my first G.I. Joe toy.  My younger brother had gotten most of the entire series for his birthday in October of 1982.  I desperately wanted some figures of my own.  I had to wait for two months before my birthday would come along and give me the chance.  However, I was to be mostly disappointed that day.  Instead of a full collection of Joe toys, I got just one: the RAM.  It was nice as we didn't actually have the RAM among my brother's birthday bonanza.  But, I also owned no figures to ride it.  Not really sure what to do with a motorcycle without a rider, I left the conundrum for another day.  That proved fortuitous, though.  The next day, after school, one friend who had been sick for my party the day before dropped by to give me my present.  It was a carded Breaker figure.  Now, I not only had a rider for my cycle, but I had THE rider for my cycle who appeared on the box artwork.  From that day one, I have been rather unable to separate Breaker and the RAM as a classic combo.

My childhood RAM suffered greatly.  This was due to the fact that it was well loved.  I played with it all the time.  This lead to it getting beat up.  The footpegs were the first to go.  Then, the kickstand was broken in half.  These were acceptable losses, though.  But, eventually, a catastrophic breakage occurred.  The sidecar pegs got broken off and the gatling cannon could no longer attach to the motorcycle.  With this loss, the RAM became less useful.  So, I tried to glue the pieces together.  I used rubber cement, though, and it melted the plastic together.  But, it wasn't strong enough and quickly broke again: now in an unrepairable fashion.

Sans weapon, the RAM kind of fell into disfavor.  When the Silver Mirage debuted in 1985, I brought out the ramshackle RAM as an accoutrement to the new cycle.  But, as the Silver Mirage proved to be a horrible piece of crap, the RAM was no longer needed.  It stuck around, though.  Mostly, the carcass lied in a pile of broken an unloved toys that made up our "debris field" where we'd have adventures.  We'd clean that mess up into a shallow box.  And, then, I'd dump it out on the floor the next time I wanted the debris to be available or I was looking for some obscure part that I thought might be in there.  (That box survived in my parents attic until the late 1990s when I finally pulled all the pieces out and added them to my personal collection.)  Sometimes, a lone assassin would ride it into a Joe base to shoot the place up.  Maybe, he'd have a bomb planted on it.  Usually, though, this rogue would get shot up well before he did real damage.  But, the RAM had moved from a key component of my main group of toys to an afterthought junk toy due to the breakage it had suffered.  I didn't really think much about that, though.  I had plenty of new Joe toys to take the RAM's place.  

Christmas of 1986, though, brought the RAM back to prominence.  Not due to its return to glory.  But, instead, due to a new, unexpected repaint that came to my collection: the Dreadnok Ground Assault RAM.  This new toy renewed the RAM and proved that its design had held up and was on par with later toy designs.  As the Dreadnok RAM was green, I adopted it for the Joes and it was never a Cobra vehicle.  This RAM remained a beloved part of my childhood play pattern until the end of 1987: when I packed all my toys away.  But, it made me realize that the RAM was something that was always going to be integral to my enjoyment of the Joe line.

Even today, in the display case next to my desk, Breaker rides the RAM.  It's just one of those images of childhood that I keep around.  As I've gotten older, I've grown to appreciate Joe toys are pneumonic devices moreso than playthings.  Mostly, that's due to the toys growing old and brittle.  But, just seeing Breaker on the RAM makes me 8 years old, again.  And, it is nice to have something around which can spark those feelings: especially when things are just a bit...too adult when bills are due, the school's calling and your boss decides he wants your role to change.  The RAM fills that need.

You'll see some criticism of the RAM for the lack of handle bars.  Hasbro, though, really promoted this when they added handles to the updated versions of the RAM in the 2000's.  As a kid, I liked the weird hand holds on the sides of the cycle and inside the front hood.  Sure, they made little sense.  But, considering the cycle was designed for straight arm figures, they worked well enough.  And, it allows for solid posing on the toy, too.  I'd often have the rider be able to hold onto the controls while shooting behind them at a follower.  

After Christmas in 1982, I had three Joe vehicles and 4 Joe figures.  They were the RAM, VAMP and MMS along with Clutch, Hawk, Snake Eyes and Breaker.  This meant that I didn't really have space on three vehicles for all four figures.  I could put Snake Eyes on the RAM, behind Breaker.  But, I Breaker had to wear his pack.  So, that meant that Snake Eyes couldn't sit behind him.  I could have had Snake Eyes drive.  But, I didn't like that.  So, instead, I'd try to sit Snake Eyes on the back of the VAMP with his legs straddling the gun.  Since that didn't really work, Snake Eyes was the odd man out.  This exclusion helped reinforce the notion of Snake Eyes being a bad guy.  It also helped that we had three of them.  So, this little army of Snake Eyes figures were my bad guys in the era before Cobras were really available.  

The RAM got releases all around the world.  Palitoy, Funskool and Estrela all released versions.  (There's probably more.  But, I've pretty much given up trying to document all the worldly vehicle releases since the information is so scattered and mostly absent.)  Hasbro released it twice.  And, during the Anniversary era, Hasbro remade the cycle with updated handle bars and more details.  There's also a model kit that is sometimes mistaken for a RAM variant.  I believe it's slightly smaller than the actual RAM.  But, you'll still see those out there from time to time.

RAMs are cheap.  Even though it has lots of small and brittle parts, mint and complete versions remain easy to find.  You can get really high quality samples in the $25 range.  But, just a little wear will cut that price in half.  Dealers still think it's 2021 and price RAMs at exorbitantly high prices.  But, unlike some other lofty dealer expectations, these high priced RAMs don't move.  So, you can acquire a nice RAM for less than pretty much any figure from its release era.  Joe vehicles ebb and flow, though.  There are times when you can't give them away and other times when they out pace figures in terms of pricing.  But, it's nice that early items like this RAM are still attainable.

1982, 1983, Breaker, Original 13, RAM Motorcycle

Thursday, December 12, 2024

1989 Night Force Repeater - Random Photos of the Day

The 1988 Repeater is a pretty solid figure.  The only real downside is that he might be a little bland.  The Night Force version that was released the following year, though, rectifies this.  The Toys R Us exclusive figure brings some splashes of color to Repeater and is, in my opinion, an upgrade over the 1988 original.  The black and dark brown better offset the green torso.  The best part, to me, though, is that the figure isn't too "Night Force" and can be used in any context as a replacement for the original figure.

Back in my early collecting days, I tended to avoid Night Force figures.  They were always expensive.  Though, expensive in 1999 is laughably cheap in 2024.  I also avoided, them, though, because I didn't find them all that compelling.  In most cases, the original versions of the Night Force team were better and more interesting.  I have this Repeated from an acquisition of 1990's era figures.  Meaning that this one is, likely, from the Rapid Deployment Force mail away that was offered in 1993.  Really, all that means is that I didn't get any accessories with him.  But, the 1988 Repeater gear works well enough and allows me to enjoy this figure either with close enough facsimiles of the figure's intended gear or with some supplemental weapons from my collection.  

The photos below were taken over the past 8 or 9 years.  I don't get this Repeater out as often as I'd probably like to.  But, he does tend to get used at least once or twice per year as he's both a solid subject of a photo and an excellent and interesting background filler.  He appears more often than any other vintage Night Force figure on this site's photos.  So, he's definitely a figure I enjoy.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Night Force in the comments.  It's a set that, in my opinion, has always been overhyped.  In recent years, dealer types have been desperately trying to convince new collectors that vintage Night Force figures are as rare or rarer than many mail aways.  While they did have lower production numbers, Night Force figures were a staple of Toys R Us stores for most of the year.  So, they're not as rare as some of the nouveau sellers want you to believe.  Beyond that, though, I think they carry over the cachet of the late '90's when older collectors who had stopped buying Joes in 1987 discovered some of their favorites were available in "gritty, realistic" colors.  But, what are your thoughts?  Does Night Force deserve its venerated position in the hobby?  Or, are they a set you view with an air of indifference?  

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive, 1986 Iceberg

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive, Mummy Mask, Power Commandos, Lucky Bell, Black Major Snake Eyes

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive

1989 Night Force Repeater, Toys R Us Exclusive

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

2024 Ghostbusters O-ring Figures - In Package

This is a good product.  For $44, it's properly priced and the packaging is a perfect combo of collector friendly and space conscious.  I'm not a huge fan of the "retro weathering".  But, it's consistent with the retro offerings from Star Wars and gives a vibe...I guess.  Even if they never do another o-ring homage with a media property, it's awesome that these toys exist.

The figures are what they were supposed to be.  The price is right.  I can only image Joe 4 packs that had been done in this format and at this price.  Maybe they'd still be viable.  But, I hope this Ghostbusters set sells out and inspires Hasbro to take more chances like this.  Hell, they could reuse the Ramis and Murray heads in a Stripes 4 pack.  Until then, though, we can enjoy an o-ring set done right.

2024 Ghostbuster o-ring figures in package

Monday, December 2, 2024

Night Viper - Grey (Black Major Version)

We can argue whether the default Cobra color is blue, red or even purple.  (Seriously, there's more purple Cobras than other colors.)  But, everyone will agree that Cobra's principle color isn't green.  There were just two vintage green Cobras that both appeared in 1989: the Aero Viper and the Night Viper.  Both figures are highly regarded as the color can work in small doses.  The dark green palette works for the specialty of the Night Viper.  But, there are many other color schemes that would have also fit the mold.  Hasbro never saw fit to repaint the Night Viper and he remained one of the more desirable vintage army builders for many years.  In the late 2010s, factory custom maker the Black Major released several series of Night Viper repaints.  All showcased the untapped potential of the Night Viper mold.  The paint job I've found most useful, though, is a grey and black color combo.  The grey hearkens back to the Stinger Driver from the vintage line and fits with the iconic Cobra vehicles from the line's early years.

I've recounted my discovery of the Night Viper before.  He was, though, the only figure I purchased at retail between early 1988 and December of 1992.  His pristine cardback with bubble still attached sat inside a small Banana Republic brown paper shopping bag on the top shelf of the closet in my childhood room for nearly two decades.  While I never really got to use the figure, his top notch design kept him as someone that held more value to me than most of my post-childhood Joes.  As an adult, I acquired a nice squad of Funskool Night Vipers that were my core Cobra army for a few years while we waited on Hasbro to finally get some diverse army building molds into production.  

In time, though, that novelty waned.  I had less interest in a Night Viper army because I had other figures that became available.  But, when I liquidated a huge chunk of my collection in the early 2010's, I kept all the Night Vipers.  I saved my four vintage figures.  And, kept my entire Funskool army.  (It helped that Funskool figures were worthless at the time and I've have sold them for less than my $4/figure cost.)  So, even as the figure fell out of favor from a usage standpoint, it remained a viable army in my collection.  Every now and then again, I get the urge to get the old Night Vipers out and relive their heyday as the pre-eminent Cobras in my legions.  But, you'll see that Night Viper appearances are few and far between.  Heck, the photos in this profile are at least 3 years old and I don't have any newer ones to supplement them.

This figure is pretty basically colored.  His body is a silverish-grey with black highlights.  Aside from a small, silver belt buckle and the small green and yellow logo on his left arm, the figure is two tonal.  But, in this context, the figure works.  His paint masks match the vintage Night Viper and this figure very much feels like something Hasbro could have made during the vintage run.  While additional painted details would have been nice, they are less necessary for some repaints due to their ties to the vintage figure's appearance.  

For gear, the Black Major Night Vipers match with the vintage figures.  He includes the classic rifle: complete with strap to go over his arm and the weird holes to affix the rifle to the Night Viper's legs.  The Night Viper backpack is there, though it's kind of underwhelming due to the original design.  The figure features both the face shield and the monocle that attaches to it.  The face shields are the biggest source of consternation for these figures.  The shields are difficult to get on and can either break or snap off the pegs that are on the figure's helmet.  Some colors work better than others.  But, they are all tight fits and take a bit of patience to get onto the figure's head without breaking something.  

The result of all this is a really nice repaint of a classic figure.  I'd hesitate to say that this grey Night Viper is better than the green version.  It's just different.  The green has many uses.  But, this grey version does, too.  He fits well with the Stinger, Hiss Tank or even the Night Watch.  And, it is nice to have a a grey figure from some of the later years to fill in gaps on Cobra vehicles when you want to use other figures who were released after 1984.  More importantly, it's a sensical color for both the mold and the character's specialty.  Grey and black is about as classic "night" as the Joe line gets.  So, seeing it on this Night Viper mold makes this release feel like it could have been a vintage Hasbro design.  For me, that's a huge plus when it comes to factory customs.

At this point in my collection, knowing that this figure exists and that I have a couple is where the value in him lies.  I don't really see me taking this guy out and using him in extensive photo shoots.  And, it's hard to get proper night shots where the figure really makes sense.  I like to take him and mingle him with 1989 or Funskool Night Vipers.  But, I rarely find the occasion warrants any photos to commemorate it.  I do enjoy the Night Viper mold.  It's one that I've never been able to fully appreciate because I had the figure in my teenage years but couldn't really appreciate him.  That's carried over to today and I generally feel that the Night Viper is a figure that I really should use more often.

Hasbro released one vintage Night Viper.  Some of his parts were used on the 1992 Heli-Viper: but in very odd colors.  After that, the mold went to India.  Funskool released the Night Viper for many, many years.  The figure was colored in similar style to the American figure and was a staple of online Joe dealers during the Funskool heyday.  (Funskool Night Vipers would sell out routinely throughout 2001 and even into 2002.  Guys bought them by the dozens.)  There are a few minor coloring variants on the figure and accessories.  But, the figure's main design doesn't stray from Hasbro's vision.  Hasbro got the Night Viper back in April of 2003.  His parts were then used for the 2005 Iron Grenadier convention figure.  And, in 2006, the club released an exclusive "not an army builder" Night Viper that was...in green.  So, even the newly painted version didn't really bring anything new to the mold other than some painted details.  Due to the club's use, the Night Viper didn't get picked for any retail sets...even though he was a natural fit for the Night Watch set.  Factory Custom makers re-creating the mold, though, has finally brought about the Night Viper repaints we've always wanted.  You can now get them in grey, tan, red, gold, blue, black, python patrol and even colored like the Alley Viper.  At this point, every Night Viper you could ever want is available.  So, the mold finally got its due.

The Night Viper series debuted as a higher price point figure from Black Major.  And, it's never really come down.  These days, it's pretty easy to find the less desirable Night Viper colorways.  They don't really seem to sell.  The earlier figures with many of the more collector friendly colors are much harder to track down.  You'll end up paying between $25 and $30 if you can find one.  Which, is probably too much.  As the market cools down, figures like this will be less desirable and should come up, from time to time, at cheaper prices.  You just have to be ready to pounce when one appears.  Until then, there's lots of other Night Vipers that are just fine to tide you over. 

2018, Night Viper, Black Major, Grey, Bootleg, Factory Custom, Sky Patrol Steel Brigade, 1989, Red Laser Army