Thursday, September 10, 2020

1986 Zarana - Around The Web

I was never a huge Zarana fan.  While I found a use for Zandar for a short while, Zarana never had that occur with her.  Her lack of firing weapon and general poor design left her as relatively useless for me.  My brother had the earrings head version which I thought looked like one of my aunts.  That's about the end of the pertinence Zarana had for me.  I didn't care for her being such a prominent character in the comics and would skip over the pages that featured her and Road Pig.  But, Zarana has found a large collecting audience since the 2000's and remains a popular figure.  As such, there's tons of great work that's been done with her.  Here's some of my favorite Zarana content from around the web.

1986 Zarana, Zartan's Sister, BATs, Battle Android Trooper

1986 Zarana, Zartan's sister, Dreadnok, Monkeywrench

1986 Zarana, Zartan's sister, Dreadnok, Monkeywrench


  1. I always thought Zarana was cool. Her non-firing weapon is no different from any other 'Nok and it can easily be replaced with whatever shooty gun you want.

    My only gripe is you can't replace her o-ring without prying her torso apart somehow. Same problem with Zandar.

  2. I don't see how "disguise expert" gets a safeties-removed gardening tool. She also has an empty holster.
