Thursday, April 12, 2018

1988 Shockwave - Around the Web

The 1988 Shockwave figure has long been a collector favorite.  His sculpting is pretty strong.  He had great accessories.  And, his non-traditional color made sense for his specialty.  There was a time when he was, easily, the most sought after 1988 Joe character.  He's still pretty popular.  But, most collectors have him and have found some of his later repaints to be better figures.  But, the original still has a lot of cachet.  But, due to his codename having a lot of real world applications as well as being shared with a classic Transformer, his content gets buried.  So, I didn't find a whole lot on Shockwave out there.  But, here's what I came up with:

1988 Shockwave Profile

Shockwave at

Shockwave Video Review

Pre-Production Shockwave at

Night Force Shockwave Profile

Shockwave Dio

1988 Shockwave, 2005 HAS Snake Eyes, TRU Exclusive, 1983 APC

1988 Shockwave, 1992 Big Bear, Oktober Guard, 2017 Black Major Factory Custom Alley Viper, Bootleg


  1. Good figure even with a big head. Pistol cannot be held well, either. Blue is too Cobra-esque, even if by 1988 Cobra was moving away from blue, and maybe that's why Night Force is better. (as opposed to the scarcity thing that makes Night Force a bit overrated). I never understood the yellow marks.

  2. I always preferred DEF version. My friend had an '88 Shockwave so I was able to see his problems in person. He has Big Head Syndrome and he can't really hold either of his guns well. There's also something sinister about a man in a ski mask. It works for Beach Head and Snake Eyes, but not a cop imho. Nevertheless Shockwave looks very bad ass on card. I just prefer the '92 version.
