Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Rarities - Later Series Lucky Bell Power Commandos

The Power Commandos were an obscure brand of Joe knock offs that few collectors really paid attention to.  However, after large quantities of the first series of 6 figures were found in Mexico and were cheaply sold to Joe collectors, they became a bit more famous.  Lost in the weirdness of a Mummy man and his friends, though, is the fact that the figures are spectacular rip offs of Joe...even going so far as to kitbash Joe weapons.  Beyond the first series of 6 figures, though, are at least two other waves of Power Commando figures.  The first additional wave contains repaints of the original assortment as well as a couple of new sculpts.  The second additional wave, though, features some interesting sculpts for Joe fans as you will see below.

The second wave of Lucky Bell figures included repaints of the 6 figures from the first wave.  Some of the new colors are subtle.  Others are not.  This series also saw the introduction of green weapons with the figures.  Along with the repaints, there are also 6 new figures that were introduced.  Among these are some releases that any Cobra fan will both recognize and instantly want.  So, we'll start with the good stuff first.  A HUGE thanks to the Black Major for these pics.

Below are Nite Serpent and Communicator.  You will see that Communicator is, essentially, a Cobra BAT.  He has an arm attachment (though, that was released in the first series) and his head is a dead ringer for the famous Battle Android Trooper.  Nite Serpent is even more blatant.  The figure's head is a near twin of the 1985 Crimson Guard and his body (also re-used from the 1st series) is a straight homage of the 1986 Viper.  Then, there's the colors.  He is Cobra blue and red.  Honestly, Nite Serpent is more Cobra than pretty much any figure Hasbro released after 1986.  

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

The cardback shows all 12 of the figures released in the 2nd series.  You see all the repainted figures as well as the newly sculpted parts.  Here are additional photos of the other figures where you can see the differences.  (To this day, I have never seen a Soundspeed or a Sniper figure from this series. The molds do show up in Wave 3, though.)

These six figures from top to bottom, left to right are: Condor Strike, Mummy Mask, Red Raven, Nite Serpent, Communicator and Metal Hawk.  This variant of Condor Strike features different parts than the original figure  He appears to be the only first series figure to now have major construction differences.  Mummy Mask is notable for his dark blue shirt and white pants.  Were his head colored in the same blue, this would definitely be a candidate for Cobra indoctrination.  Red Raven's upper body appears very much the same as his first series coloring.  He now, though, features white/tan pants.  Nite Serpent and Communicator were showcased above.  Metal Hawk (who might now be my favorite of the first six Power Commando figures) now has a lighter blue chest and the green pants.  Overall, if you're only casually interested in these figures, the fact that there are variants may slip by you.  It wasn't until I researched Mummy Mask a while ago that I realized these repaints existed at all.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Here are two photos of Lynx Eye Jack: another of the newly released figures in the second wave.  You'll note the color differences.  But, these are likely just due to age and improper storage.  The grayer figure is likely just a sun/heat damaged version of the light blue original.  Light blue plastic does not hold up well over time and is very prone to discoloration and that's the likely culprit of the visual differences in the figures below.  In the 2nd photo, you'll see the variant X Ray Eye figure.  His main difference is the orange boots.  Though, there may be other slight shading differences on the reds and greens as well.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Here you can see Lynx Eye Jack's packmate, Laser Cut.  This figure features a new, robotic looking head.  The dark blue and red body makes for another figure that would be easily integrated into a Cobra army.  You can also see a better photo of the Mummy Mask repaint.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

A better photo of the Metal Hawk repaint as well as the second wave Submarine figure.  Submarine appears to be a lighter blue color than the first wave (though, this could be heat/sun damage) and now features blue pants.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Better photos of Condor Strike and Red Raven.  Condor Strike now features a different chest and arms.  Though, his legs appear to be the same as his original release.  Red Raven also now has white pants.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Some more photos, including some of the green weapons.  (Note, the 1996 POTF II era Tie Fighter Pilot rifle is just in the photo.  It was not included with these figures.)  There were no new weapons sculpted for the later wave figures.  Even the new figures included gear that was recycled from the original releases.  The green color, though, is new.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC, Variants

Here's a carded image of Mummy Mask/Metal Hawk.  You'll note the darker blue on Mummy Mask and his white pants.  Metal Hawk has green pants and red boots.  You see the green weapons in the package, though.  The molds of the accessories are the same as the Wave 1 figures and it doesn't appear any accessories debuted in later waves as they were all carry overs from the original releases.  But, the green color is distinct to the repainted figure wave.  You will note that the figures actually better match the card artwork.  The first wave figures featured the same card art, though, so the original releases didn't really match the coloring of the art like they did in the second series.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC

The third wave is the rarest and most desirable of all.  These figures were single carded.  You'll notice even more familiar parts in this series.  The bright colors really add to the bizarreness of the designs.  But, as "Space Age Soldiers", the overall ensemble works quite well.  There were at least 6 figures in this series and they rarely appear for sale.

The first figure is the same mold as Sound Speed from wave II.  He now has new, very 1990's colors.  This figure is very close to the Cobra Eel and even includes flippers.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC
Next up is Laser Cut.  The purple colors are new to this single carded wave. 
Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC
Lynx Eye Jack also got a brightly colored makeover.
Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC
I don't know who this figure is.  He uses the Condor Strike head, but different body parts from the other two Condor Strike releases.  I guess Condor Strike liked to have a variety of outfits and not just the same style in different colors.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC

Next up is Communicator.  (Again, I'm guessing at the names based on the figure's head.)  Again, the nice purples and browns appear and would be a great complement to the purple Cobras that debuted in 1986 and later.  I love that this figure features a robotic head and hand, but also flippers for use underwater.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed, MOC

Finally, we have the Nite Serpent figure.  Now, though, he features a different chest that's derived from the 1985 Tele Viper.  This figure doesn't appear all that useful.  But, he's just so weird that he'd be fun to have around.

Lucky Bell, Power Commandos, Mummy Mask, Submarine, Metal Hawk, X Ray Eye, Condor Strike, Red Raven, Lynx Eye Jack, Laser Cut, Communicator, Nite Serpent, Sniper, Sound Speed

In all, the Power Commandos are a great little subset of figures for a Joe collector to find.  There's at least 24 of them.  There could be more or there could be less.  But, all of them sans the first wave are pretty tough to track down.  I'd love to see more and better photos of these guys...especially side by side comparison shots.  But, this is the best I can do for now.


  1. The flippers from Sound Speed wave 3 figures are skis, but they look like they were modified from flipper molds. Weird.

    I never knew about wave 3.

    I have a series 2 Submarine that was a gift and his pack mate was missing I asked my friend did they have more of these, and no, they didn't. It was from a McCrory's store. Must've been old stock from the back room.

  2. I talked to Lucky Bell many years ago on these. The Set of 12 were the first Series! And the Art Matches those figures as it was the First Wave. The 2nd set of 6 figures were only done as they said the Molds were breaking and they had to use what Molds they could use and so The 2nd Set and the Bodies being changed was Due to this. I have the Original 12 and also the 2nd wave of 6. They said that the 2nd wave was sold in the EU and Mexico but not in the USA as the first set was. Far as the 3rd Set they never Mentioned these at all. Very Odd? Makes you Wonder if these were Made by Lucky Bell or if some other Company remade those and yet put Lucky Bell on the Cards??? If the Molds were Broken as I was Told by Lucky Bell there would be no way they would of been able to make the 3rd set. So again these might of been remakes done by another company and yet put Lucky Bell on the Cards. And yes the first 12 were bought here way back in 1987/1988 they were sold here at Only our Meijer Store had them. This 3rd Set really has me confused now. And with what Lucky Bell told me back then where in the World did this 3rd Set come from???

    I was well known then as a G.I.JOE Collector on YoJoe Forums as Captain-DC and now I make Mummy Mask vs Vidoes on YouTube on my channel DCS70 06/27/2020

    1. I remember you from the old YoJoe.com boards. Thanks for stopping by.

      I've thought it odd that the now more common set of 6 features artwork that shows the colors of the of what I thought were repaints. So, you are saying that the set that features just 6 figures on the cardback was actually the 2nd wave? Based on the card art, that would make sense.

      All of them were rare until the overstock of the first 6 was found in Mexico. Outside of that, the figures appear with only slightly more regularity than European Force figures.

      The single carded figures are pretty much ghosts. I've not seen any new photos of them arise in several years. Nothing on Ebay, etc. And, even loose figures never appear.

    2. The One's Pictured on YouJoe.com are the 2nd Set of Power Commandos the 1992 Set of 6 Those were done back then by Corey who worked at YoJoe back then but he left to Start his own Website You may know called SmallJoes.com

      That's why there's so much confusion by what these are as Most have seen Photo's of these since they were on YoJoe.com all those years ago.

      When I saw those as well, I was like wait there was a 2nd Set of them? That's when I contacted Lucky Bell and we had a Talk about those. As they told me the first 12 were the 1987 set that I had from a Meijer store here. In 1988 I was looking at them and the G.I.Joe 2-Packs and the G.I.Joe 2-Packs were more money than the 2-Pack Power Commandos. So I bought the Power Commandos over the G.I.Joe 2-Packs. And I liked the look of the Power Commandos in General.

      As I aid after I got on the Internet in 2000 I found the one's pictures on YoJoe.com the ones that belonged to Corey. Right after that I contacted Lucky Bell on these.

      They made the 2nd set of 6 figures and had to change out the parts due to the Molds on the other ones being Broken and couldn't be used. That why only 6 got remade and why the parts were changed on the 2nd set. I Glad that a 2nd Set was made. And that they are Different.

      If they were the same as the First set then I already had those and wouldn't of had to track down the 2nd set of 6. I see video's on YouTube always getting it wrong as to what set is what. They are always saying set 2 is the first set as they think 6 would of came first then they added 6 more. With most cases that would be what usually would of happened. But in this case due to the Mold being Broken they could not remake all 12 from the First Set. So They be recasts made from the original Figures not from Original Molds as Lucky Bell stated those Molds were Broken and the reason they only made 6 in the 2nd wave. And Not to Mention the Color Scheme seems very unlike what Lucky Bell would do. If they were going to make them in NEW colors why not done that for Wave 2? And again I talked to Lucky Bell about these and there was no Mention of a Wave 3.

      I still like to have these thoe. But Have no idea where to look for these. What a Shame. I still like to get them.

      These days I'm bust with Making Mummy Mask vs Video's on YouTube. That and Destro vs Video's! LOL,

  3. One thing I like to see here thoe is on the 3rd Set is the Card Back? What's on the Card Back is there anything on the Back? Like a Date/Year??? But no Pictures of the Card Back, Aww!

    1. In a survey I did, I found an ebay seller describing this third wave card with the year 1995.

    2. did that seller by chance have any of the wave 3 figures??? I still like to see some photo's of the card back. That video on YouTube does show it. But it be nice to have an Actual Photo of the Wave 3 Card back to show on here. One thing to Note: The Cardback in in Black and White and No File Cards either. Very odd choice if Lucky Bell did these why no file cards and why the Black and White Cardbacks. Seem like they didn't want to put any work in this Wave 3. Aww!

    3. I have actually found a photo of the Wave 3 cardback. I'll post it up in June of this year. It's not all that interesting, though. It's black and white printed cardboard with just the 6 figures on it. No cool color photos or anything. Very similar to the Remco cardbacks from the '80's.

  4. I agree with Captain-DC. I believe the first wave is the one that contains 12 characters. What can solve this doubt is to look at the back of the cards and check the year. I can't see it in your photos, but does it look like 1987 on the 12-character chart?

    1. Found a Video The other day on YouTube he shows Wave 1 of the 1987 12 figures. And Wave 2 of the 6 figures he even shows Wave 3 of those and are 1995 He even shows the Card back on the Wave 3 figures that was what I wanted to see but no one showed the card back until now/ Just Search Power Commandos on YouTube it's the most recent Video. Can't miss it. Happy New Year 2022 Everyone!

    2. I wonder who or where those Proto Types are that were pictures on the Card Back in 1987 Did a single person make those and wonder if there still around now? I have no idea who designed this line. That be nice to know. We know over the Years some of the people who worked certain years on G.I. Joe figures so why not who worked on the Power Commandos for Lucky Bell? And what's with the very odd color Schemes for Wave 3? Who was behind those? LOL!

    3. Another mystery that was pointed out to me recently: the Johnny Quest figures from Argentina used Power Commandos parts, too. Did Plastirama have the molds? That seems unlikely since these figures were all made in China. But, maybe Plastirama outsourced the Johnny Quest figures to a Chinese manufacturer and they had the Power Commandos?

  5. First off, thanks for the great article on these cool figures. They have been a mystery to me for years as I'm still trying to complete the series. Based on the pictures, I have set 2 and set 3 completed. I also have most of the first series as well. The 3rd series, which features the cool bright colors, I have carded. On the back of the card, it states "This is an original Lucky Bell Product." Then the year 1995. It shows (6) figures on the back with their respective names. It appears legit to me. I wish I could upload a picture for you all to view. At anyrate, I hope this helps!

    1. Yeah we sure could use more pictures on Wave 3 that's for sure. And you have Wave 3 where did you find these? let us know? Thanks!
