I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge fan of a Torpedo head on a figure that's not a diver. Mostly, this is bias leftover from childhood. Torpedo was THE diver on the Joe team. And, while he that awkward appearance in G.I. Joe 16 wearing his dive suit on land, I simply couldn't see the figure as anything other than an aquatic adventurer. So, I see the Torpedo head on this Outlaw as a bit of a detriment. However, the covered face also offers a bit of leeway in the character's design. Red Laser's Army has produced the head from the 1982 Flash/Hawk/Steeler figures. It's been used a couple of times already. So, giving this figure the same head would simply make him appear to be either Hawk, Flash, Steeler or Starduster. None are great options. The 1982 Snake Eyes head (which Red Laser also used to great effect on his Commando figure) is too iconic. It's appearance always holds ties to Snake Eyes or the foreign characters of Cobra De Aco or Cobra Mortal. So, using Torpedo as an alternate head was a bit of creative chance that worked out fairly well.
The thing I like about the character Factory Custom figures we have seen so far is that they look like they could have been released in 1983. The colors are basic, but consistent with what Hasbro used. If toys would have required two or three repaints in order to turn a profit back in the 1980's, I could see the Joe line filled with figures like the Red Laser Army offerings that mixed up parts and brought some additional colors to the Joe ranks. For someone like me, who still holds the early Joe years as my most nostalgic, these figures are the perfect addition to my team. Even the bright green paint on his head is a match for the 1983 Zap's highlights. The use of black and grey chest pieces also adds some depth to the figures and helps them stand out among 1982 and 1983 figures. Yet, they are still true enough to their roots that they blend in, too.
The main reason I have interest in this figure, though, was that something about it reminded me of Joe Colton. I saw this configuration of parts and color and thought that a vintage Clutch head on this body would be a nice rendition of a 1970's era Joseph Colton. He's part military, part adventurer and part covert ops. You can see my lbc in the photo below. I need to touch up the head. But, I think the head is just a bit too big for the body.
This notion of Colton is a way to bring that character into the early Joe team, before he went to work for other branches of the government. I like characters like this since they would have been around as the Joe team was being formed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Colton likely would have input into the team's purpose and design. While he, ultimately, left to pursue other interests, he was still a part of the group who made Joe the international force they would grow to become.
There is a very small, but vocal, minority of collectors who are opposed to these factory customs. Early on, it was populated by groups of collectors who defended Hasbro. But, Hasbro has shown they don't care about the existence of these figures at all. Now, the detractors are heavily people who worry about the values of their collections. And, if I had 10's of thousands of dollars invested in toys, I might have concern about value, too. One of the things we've seen in toy collecting in the past couple of years, though, is greater and greater price disparities between loose and carded or boxed items. This is almost exclusively driven by the fact that carded or boxed items are far rarer than loose and it's extremely unlikely someone's going to find massive amounts of carded or boxed overstock vintage G.I. Joe toys sitting in a warehouse. I've felt that the chasm between loose and boxed/carded will grow wider in coming years. Packaged items will be the "collectibles" that are used for investment. While, loose items will be the domain of casual collectors who run mostly off of nostalgia. In that regard, I don't mind factory custom items. They are all easy to tell apart from the originals and they offer casual collectors a way to enjoy some items that are harder to find or too fragile to ever take out of their protective cases.
In terms of gear and construction, Outlaw isn't stellar. He includes just two small pistols. They have very fat handles and are definite thumb-breakers. The weapons, though, are two tone. I didn't look closely enough to see if the paint was factory or aftermarket. But, the pistols are different from the similar weapons included with the Red Laser Army flavors of Steel Brigade figures. Returning to the thumbs, Outlaw's hands are small and closed. I fear forcing any large weapon into the hand for fear of breakage. It's a common issue with many of the 2017 releases. And, as many include fatter handled weapons, it's a legit concern. But, the Joe groups are full of pictures of the various figures holding their weapons. So, it can be done.
The factory paint on the figure is very nice. You do see some issues with the eyes from time to time, though. But, the grey/black shirt, leather brown straps, green pants and grey highlights add up to a visual feast. A six color figure is better than what Hasbro offered to collectors at retail between 2003 and 2005. Plus, the colors complement each other and don't create a look that's too busy. He has enough color to be interesting while being generic enough to not get lost in visual overload.
Outlaw figures were first available at the So Cal Joe Show. Unsold figures were then sold in the $15 range to general collectors. As of now, that's about the price you'll pay for one of these guys. Factory custom figures have generally gone two routes on the aftermarket. They either become really cheap and easy to find. Or, they dry up and see a good bit of appreciation. As the creators of these figures have gotten better at both estimating collector demand as well as creating figures that collectors get excited over, we've seen the more recent figures tend to take the latter path. But, with another large year of figures ahead for collectors, some solid designs are sure to get lost in the shuffle. As such, I have no idea on the future for Outlaw. I bought mine so that I could make the Joseph Colton custom figure. Others bought him for his exclusive nature. And, others bought him because he's cool.
Whatever the reason, this is a figure that's well made, designed correctly and should hold collector interest over time. Low production numbers will keep him from being overly common in the subsequent years. But, I also don't see this guy being among the most popular figure offerings, either. Basically, he's the perfectly average figure. Which, frankly, was one of the most important aspects of the vintage Joe line. Not every character or figure was a superstar. But, the other characters existed as both support and as entry points for kids who liked firefighters, dogs, mountain climbers or pilots. I see Outlaw in that vein. Plus, he's designed in such a way as to make him conducive to photographs. So, that's a lot going for a figure that would otherwise, likely, be forgotten in a couple of years.
Factory custom figures are the Bitcoins of GI JOE collecting. Their long-term value is questionable. Their investment potential very debatable. Once you have fans creating mass produced figures, it exposes some of the absurdities of paying a lot of money for pieces of plastic.
ReplyDeleteI'm also reminded of the crazy lengths vintage Star Wars collectors go to "expose" repro accessories. The more and more indistinguishable from the originals that the repro accessories get, the more OCD the collector community seems. Most JOE bootlegs and customs are still easily identifiable as such but that will change, and then what? Mass hysteria! LOL.
Why aren't the custom makers using soft hands? No idea? It was vintage GI JOE biggest flaw. But I appreciate they are keeping the o-ring alive...unlike a so-called fan club.
I love the Bitcoin analogy. Spot on!
DeleteMy feeling on repros is that if it's really indistinguishable from the original, then isn't original? Dodger's gun is cheap and easy to find and stopped production in '89 or so. Create a Cobra uses the same gun. Theoretically, it should be super duper rare since it was made in 1993. But, the weapons are identical. So, does it really matter which is which?
The biggest pet peeve with the Red Laser figures are the shoulder/elbow rivets not being consistent - some are "normal" and some are reversed and lends to a "cheapness" look to them. . .
ReplyDeleteThe reversed rivets is what made me stop purchasing these, it was like every other figure had a backwards rivet, than it started being EVERY figure I received. Than i tried going for the custom BAT figures (transformer homage versions) and every single one had crooked chest logos. Forget ‘em!
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ReplyDeleteI bought the Z-Force camo version.I love these bootlegs.The Black Major said that some rivets were reversed so as to not look like the expensive Starduster and Gold Head Steel Brigade. Yes, the quality can be problematic. My Python Patrol Night Viper's head would not accept his scope, until I drilled a hole in the side of his head and put a small nail there to repair it. I've had the biceps break right off a Night Force Steel Brigade just recently, and my Gold BAT's arm was broken in the mail. I'm assuming they're using a cheaper plastic or otherwise these figures would be 25-30 a pop.I just display them, so the quality concerns aren't that big of a deal. The thumbs need to be molded farther apart,and they need to get the back hole squared away so it fits vintage backpacks.I get real tired of having to dremel the handles down 'til they fit in their hands.Also, the accessories are often brittle and cheap, especially with Starduster. I'm glad to see Red Laser and Black Major think more outside the box, so figures like this and the General are a good sign.
ReplyDeleteA lot of collectors hate these, thinking their precious collectibles are in danger of being devalued. Some guys just don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on an original rare Gold Head Steel Brigade or Starduster, and are thrilled that these types of figures are available to the common collector. I hope they keep 'em coming and expand these bootlegs outside of army builders. Great idea with the Clutch head, it indeed reminds me of Colton also. Can Blue Techno Vipers be far behind?
I got this at the show, and am pretty stoked to have it. I only recently started buying the boots, and so far I've had good luck. Red Laser is a stand up dude, and the few times I've had production issues, I've been able to get replacements.
ReplyDeleteWeapons are an issue, but I found a few Marauder pieces that work beautifully with these guys, and some figures have better hands than others. The Red Laser Steel Brigade figs, for instance, are far sturdier than the hands of the "OG 13" molds, which Outlaw here is one of.
I'm not really sure why anyone would be upset by these, unless there are instances of boots being passed off as originals. As fr value - It's all perceived anyway. An action figure is only worth $300 to someone with enough food and water and shelter. I dunno. Being able to get new figures and not feel afraid to play with them out in the yard or let me kids enjoy them feels kinda nice. But I'm getting old.
I mostly collect loose vintage action figures. I tend to stay away from modern toys unless they are made in a "vintage style" or depict an important character that wasn't made back in the day. While I haven't picked up any of these factory customs yet I really like the direction they're taking.
ReplyDeleteBeen hunting down such a wonderful blog like this for quite a while.